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Friday, March 16, 2012

You want to come over for a glass of wine? Check a box--No, Yes, Maybe?

Laurel recently had a playdate at our house.  (I still haven't figured out how to finesse the suggestion of having Laurel go over there.)  I was on the phone with the mom, confirming the time and this mom goes all alpha dog on me.  When I answer the phone, she loudly introduces herself, greets me and says "how are you" (in such a way that she obviously doesn't give a shit) in a matter of 1.7 seconds.  Holy cripe.

I am curious if this mom remembers our past.  She is one of the classroom moms. At the beginning of the year she gave herself the task of creating a contact list.  As the first draft of the list came out, Ching's name is misspelled.  It is listed with a "q" rather than the "g".  It doesn't look good and pronounces even worse.  I politely ask her to correct her mistake.  She said that she would and then the second draft comes out but the error is still there.  I send her a second e-mail with a terse tone asking her yet again to change it.  I make it very clear that the misspelling does not look good.  She, now, has realized what it looks like and profusely apologizes.  By no means, did I accuse her of anything (other than having her head up her ass) but it did get awkward when I realize that this mom adopted three girls from Asia. Even though she made the mistake, I still feel like an asshole.

Regardless if she remembers or not, I feel very awkward.  I am not good at making friends.  I am largely introverted and a little shy.  At work, I try to pass it off as being mean but really I would just rather keep to myself and not risk being rejected.  As I look back, most of my friends have been made by the situation..sitting next to each other in homeroom, college roommates, friend of friends, work cube mates, etc.

I know that I should befriend other moms.  Some seem really cool with genuine, polite kids. But I don't want to be overbearing or look like the clingy weirdo.  Also, just introducing myself brings me right back to junior high and wondering if I am wearing the right thing, if my hair looks okay, or if there is a stray booger that I have failed to notice.  Sometimes walking down the hall of Laurel's elementary school feels like I am going to my locker at Westbrook Junior High.  I can't slip these moms a note saying if you want to come over for a glass of wine..check a box.  (No, Yes, Maybe?)

Then, of course..I go to my glass half empty mode.  What if the mom's kid turns out to be a little shit.  Then, what do I do?

It is the end of Laurel's play date and the mom is outside with Ching talking about summer camps. I can see them in the back kitchen window as I start dinner. Should I go outside and join the conversation?  Not today but I promise I will..I go back to making my meatloaf.  It is amazing how satisfying it is to squish ground beef, parsley, eggs, onions, ketchup and bread crumbs and then slap it into a loaf pan.

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