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Monday, March 19, 2012

To me, the acronym screams Sloppy Mother Body Odor..but, really, not so much.

I have a dear friend that was the oldest of five children-three boys, two girls.  Every once in awhile, he told me that his mother would (while making sure that all of her children were watched, and then) leave to see a movie, by herself and eat an ice cream sundae.  Prior to this treat, she had had enough of the motherly crap and was experiencing SMBO.  This was defined as Super Mom Burn Out.  (To me..the acronym screams Sloppy Mother Body Odor but you's me.)

This friend sat next to me for some time.  If there was a day that I had to call in--he would meet me the next day and ask SMBO?  He would remind me of what it stood for and tell me about his mom..

This was very kind of him.  While he wasn't a parent (yet), he seemed to know.  Perhaps he knew that I got up the prior morning ultimately overwhelmed by the thought of two lunch boxes that never seemed to be filled properly, prepping the girls (hustle, hustle, hustle) and the thought of the upcoming work day that just caused me to break out in a sweat that the longest shower couldn't wash away.  This was the type of morning that I would lie to Ching about cramps, nauseau, etc.  "I need to take the day, " I would tell him. (and make some pitiful little moan of defeat.)

Currently, I am feeling a hint of SMBO.  Not entirely..just a whiff..I think it is the weather.  It has been so nice in the Northeast.  But I can't enjoy it.  I am behind with spring/summer clothes.  I think Laurel can wear stuff from last year but Rachel..I have nothing.  (I know, there may be Laurel's hand me downs in a Rubbermaid container that is in the garage..but it's March..I wasn't prepared to dig until mid-April.)

And then, there is's getting warmer.  I need to make friends with the razor and lotion sooner than I thought..or wear pants for much longer while it is very warm. (And don't even mention the pedicure..)

A vacation won't help..unless it is just me, alone, at the Four Seasons, room service and several dirty martini's. (And a lovely, fatty antipasto tray..because you know how I love full fat..not reduced.)

I can foresee the future.  On Wednesday, I am taking the day (after the girls' doctors appointments..and then they will go back to school).  I will have time to catch up..but I will be damned that I am going for a freakin' ice cream sundae..but perhaps that was Mrs R.'s code for something else.

(Congrats H+D..My heart is full for the both of you.)

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