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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Very few men can carry a Magnum PI 1982 'stache but my dentist can ...

I knew I shouldn't have bought my lunch in the cafe today.  Usually I bring it and today I did--same thing everyday--blueberry bagel with peanut butter, cheese stick, yogurt and apple.  But I saw a buffalo chicken wrap and I couldn't resist.  (And I also couldn't resist the Cheetos--dangerously cheesy).  Long story short..a god damn crouton from the wrap broke a one of my teeth.  It was the (the back) front, bottom  causing the tooth to feel like it was made of glass.  How ironic I am going to the dentist today?  This was not a good sign.

As soon as my tooth was a bit wonky, I knew I was going to see my hygienist and she would make it better.  But when I got to the office, this goofy Asian guy ushers me in, rather than my beloved Twyla (yeah, that's her name.)  I specifically point out that he is Asian because every time I see an Asian man, I think of CCW and feel somewhat assured.  This guy didn't assure me in the least..he had this goofy-ass swagger.  There was no freakin' way that he was putting his hands in my mouth.  Barruch (yeah, that's what he said his name was) explained that Twyla had to go home sick but the other dentist in the practice was going to clean my teeth. I immediately tell him about my crouton wound and he says that he will tell the dentist. While I should be excited that a dentist is doing my menial cleaning there is a change in my routine.  And here he comes..this guy is going to ask all the questions that Twyla all ready knows (and I am so not going to tell this guy about my blog!!)
Any change in health or medications?--No
Any chance that you are pregnant? (Jesus..this subject will not die!!)  Absolutely not.
Any problems with your teeth?  (Didn't we cover this?) Just the hole in my front bottom tooth from the crouton.

So we decide to clean first and fix my tooth second.  Barruch is just standing there waiting to suck any moisture out of my mouth.  Easy, fella.  This dentist is weird..but I am comforted with the fact that he doesn't have big protective goggles on his face.  I hate seeing my reflection while my mouth is gaping about attractive...just little magnifying glasses on his real glasses (Oh Jesus, this guy is blind!).   But let's get back to weird..he seems to feel bad when he sees my gums bleed..c'mon dude let's toughen up.  I look over to the side, Barruch is looking at a laptop??  Are you kidding me?  For some reason I would be okay if he was looking at dental porn..what would that be..naked woman with big teeth?

I quickly scan the room for some credentials.  My real dentist went to Ohio State--I know Ohio State.  This guy went to Yeshiva University..where the hell is that?  Oh man, it's probably one of those Carribean dental schools.  (God damn crouton!)

This guy doesn't even use mint cleaning paste??  Flashbacks of being six and throwing up in the hygentist's chair because of bubblegum flavored flouride come back..happy place..go to the happy place.
(Don't laugh)  "Your blog is so should write a book.  I am going to tell all my friends..look, over 100 hits today. I love your blog!"

The cleaning is done and now we are fixing my crouton ravaged tooth.  The dentist tells me that my tooth needs a filling but no novocaine is needed.  I immediately question this, which I know looks bad.  Dude, you can rip a seven pound kid from my loins sans painkillers but around the grill..painkillers.  He insists no and I see Barruch is back at attention with the spit sucker.  (Holy Christ this is the longest hour of my life)

Drilling..smoothing..some sort of filler in a syringe (that syringe was a total tease)..close my eyes..maybe not.. Barruch just tried to gag me with the sucker.  Finally it's done, my tooth is normal.

But are not going any where until you get the hard court press...  In a matter of 90 seconds, I was told that I may need gum grafting (gums receeding) and Invisalign.  He told me I have a lot of tarter on my bottom teeth (no shit..I produce a lot of saliva.  I don't say anything because we just met.  Only my close friends now about my saliva) and perhaps "braces" can fix that.  Are you kidding me?'s hard enough to remember my anti-depressants on a daily basis.  You think I am going to use Invisalign?..keep dreaming.  (Barruch, we are done..put the sucker down)  Over nine years, my real dentist NEVER gave me this sell..I miss him and his mustache.  Very few man can carry a Magnum PI 1982 'stache but my dentist can (and Victor and George, you so can too!)

Croutons are a just scarred my semi-annual dental visit and cost me $250.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I think I have a touch of the cray-cray

This morning at 4:00, I woke up and felt like crap.  The two voices started chirping away in my head. (oh man, the voices).  Should I go to work or should I stay home? Rude is the Jude that doesn't give a hoot in hell.  Prude is the Jude that is always good. (She might even hug you.) So Rude and Prude go at it to the death.

First, let me make it clear that I am not really sick.  My throat is sore/scratchy and a tad mucous-y.  My head is pounding but I have no aches or fever.  There is nothing that I could pass along to someone else.

Rude:  Stay Home.  You don't know what you're doing at work..not only would you feel like crap, (and probably look like crap) but you would continue to feel like an idiot.
Prude:  You can tough it out.  Get up and make the lunches.  If you truly can't make it through that, we'll see.
Rude:  Of course, you are going to feel sick during lunches..your kids eat pre-packaged crap.  Take a whiff of those chicken nuggets that you are sending with Rachel.
Prude:  Oh give me a break.

I made it through the lunches.  Technically I am fine.

Rude:  C' only have two pending things from the day before.  How easy would it be just to send those in an e-mail to your manager and sound pitiful on a voicemail?
Prude:  Those pending things are pretty detailed.  If you were really sick, there is no way that you could describe them in an e-mail.  You just started working with your guy two weeks ago.
Rude:  C'mon..comfy warm bed...soft sheets..
Prude:  You know what is going to happen.  If you take today, Laurel or Rachel will really be sick within the next two weeks and you will have to take another always happens.
Rude:  Again with kids? Jesus Christ.
Prude:  You can do it.
Rude:  Are you passing out balloons too Prudy??
Prude:  Shut up Rude.  As I was saying, wear your comfy suit and shoes.  Not those Tory Burch ones that Rude convinced you to buy.  You know how they pinch your big toe.  Ching is dropping off both girls this morning so you're good.

Prude is I get in the least I don't have to wash my hair.  But a road bump..God damn, this new eyeliner sucks..

Prude:  Don't go there...
Rude:  That eyeliner really does's a sign.  And while you are in the mirror..the skin around your eyes is totally becoming a road map of crow's feet.

Ignoring Rude, I get dressed..out of habit, I step on the scale..this could be bad.  Holy Shit, 123.6!  Score!!

Prude:  Look at that!  And your comfy suit and shoes are waiting!
Rude:  Wait until you see Laurel's outfit--definite a sign to stay home.  She is insistent on wearing bright blue pants with a purple is a clash of awesomeness.  If your headache is gone, it will come back when you see the color combo.

Laurel is so full of pride, I can't say anything.  Push through..push through...I am going..good for me..small victories. yay!

Rude: Prude, if her day sucks, I am kicking the shit out of you.
Prude: I win!  Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Holy shit..I think I have a touch of the cray-cray..Oh Jude/Prude/Rude..whomever you are today..

Monday, February 27, 2012

Anyway, benefit of the's just a nip.

Jennifer Lopez's nipple apparently slipped out last night.  I didn't see it long enough to check if it was used as a chew toy or if it kind of has a wonkiness to it.  Perhaps too much information but nursing made me a little wonky in the front.  Laurel preferred left, therefore left hangs much lower.  To actually make my nips look level you have to tilt your head a bit.  (I have sunk to this level..)

Probably a PR ploy but surprisingly, I will give her the benefit of the doubt.  Perhaps she is just a tired mom like me..we could hang out.  (Dude, if we hung would be my girls, Heidi, Sue, Lesley, Kathy, my sister Jess and my mom..we are all mothers..but no Ching..he is an ass man.)  Anyway, benefit of the's just a nip.

My assumption is just a mere nip slip..Granted her nip slip is from Zuhair Murad gown (you know I had to check on the spelling of that one--what happened to Marchesa or Cavalli, which I could spell? ) My nip slip is out of an old worn out bra that was purchased online at OneHanesPlace.

I have had a million "nip slips" ranging from: some sort of bodily fluid on my coat or suit which was seen at work; clothes that I thought fit okay but by 10:00, realize they are much too tight: and my favorite, pregnant belly underhang.  For those of you never been pregnant, there will come a point when your balloony tops just don't provide full coverage. You think they do..but they don't.  You don't realize the exposure until you are out and about.  The cold air hits the centimeters of skin just peaking out from under too small blouse.  It is white trash awesome.

When I was younger, I would have been, not really.  I am not sure if I should chalk it up to immodesty or prioritizing my worries.  Perhaps Jennifer (because we are on a first name basis) is the same way.  Maybe prior to the stage, her little boy hugged her so hard that it shifted her top therefore caused the nip.  Rachel has been known to hang on my Adidas track pants every now and then and even in public (Shaws aisle # 4 to be exact) ..two seconds and anyone could see my grannies..

So after everything we have be through Jennifer..surprisingly, I have got your back...(and man, it is a big one..much to Ching's delight.)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cool at 21 but at 39? Not so much...

Yesterday as I was paying for my groceries, the cashier and bagger were having a conversation.  Both were teenage guess would be around 18.  They were talking about tattoos.  I so wanted to join the conversation but I willed myself not to.  Even though I can feel cool everyday of the week, to them, I am not.  I am a middle aged mom that just spent over hundred dollars on things like dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, Gogurt and Goldfish.  Also I don't want to look like weirdo. So I join their conversation in my head (which, shit, now makes me sound like a crazy weirdo.)

Bagger: I am thinking about something on my right upper chest.  With a shirt on, people won't even see it.
JCW: But you are going to eventually take your shirt off in front of someone?  How are you going to feel? Back in 1993, I had an amazing bod and thought a little embellishment would be fun.  It was either that or color my hair.  I can't explain that either/or but obviously I got the tattoo. It is only visible when I wear a bathing suit in public.  Cool at 21 but at 39?  Not so much..
Cashier: You know it will eventually sag.
JCW: Yes!  You are so right!  I swear my tattoo was an inch higher when I got it.  It is a small rose--why I chose it, I don't know.  But it is on my hip and now everytime I sit on the toilet, it disappears.  I never thought it would disappear. While I am in good shape, both my body and my ink are indeed weathered.
Bagger: It won't sag for a while.
JCW: It comes sooner than you think, trust me
Bagger:  Anyway, I want my dad to give his blessing.
Cashier: Such a daddy's girl..
JCW:  Unless your dad is named Ozzy, he is not going to be okay with it

I take my receipt and go.  I make eye contact with the girl..trying to send her a message to think about what she wants to do.  And then I quickly know, don't want to be a weirdo.

I don't beat myself up over getting a tattoo.  And ironically, I have fleeting moments where I want to add to it, like the girls names.  But those thoughts fade and I just think about the girl who went to a place similar to hair salon to get the ink.  She decided to make small talk and asked where the artist learn his craft.  His response was "prison" she decided to cut the small talk.  It does make me chuckle..

What I didn't think about way back then was having am I going to convince Laurel and Rachel that tattoos may not be the way to go?  Truth is, I won't be able to..and that is going to be awesome.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I have this amazing ability to yell with my eyes.

Ching mentioned having more kids last night..again.  Obviously my "hitting him where it hurts" (in the Wang family budget spreadsheet) meant nothing.  It came up because Rachel smiled at him and he was overtaken with cuteness.  After smiling at him, she looked at me and dropped all emotion..deadpan..stoic.  I grabbed a glass of wine.

But I am on to him.  He is trying to wear me down on the child subject and at the very last second, he is going to switch gears and think a dog is a better idea. Jig is up Ching Wang.

Ching has always made it clear that he wanted a dog.  He loves dogs.  While I was heading into my last trimester with Laurel, he brought up the fact that maybe we could welcome our child with a dog.  "I mean how busy are you really going to be during maternity leave?"  I just looked at him when he said that..he became quiet.  I have this amazing ability to yell with my eyes.

He has also gotten Laurel on this dog kick too and it's just a matter of time when Rachel is lobbying for one too.  (She needs to grow a little bit..even the smallest of lap dogs scare the bejesus out of her..being kind of low to the ground.)

I am going to say it..I am not really a dog person.  There is a tiny part of me that freezes when I go over to someone's house and I see a dog, especially a big one.  They must sense this and just toy with me as they say hello and humiliate me by sniffing my crotch.  But even if we got a small or mid-sized dog--the shedding, doggy breath, that gross food and the poo...holy crap, the poo.  (Pun definitely intended.)  I have all ready addressed the Wang morning and evening routines and my running around like a bat out of hell.  I really don't want to have to walk a dog (and pick up the poo) during this time.

You know..I might start toying with Ching myself.  Perhaps just leave a box of ovulation sticks in view...nothing shuts a guy up more than waiting for an outcome of a stick that has been peed on by a woman regardless if it is for ovulation or pregnancy.  Two can play this game..make note, the score will be JCW 1, CCW 0.

Friday, February 24, 2012

New Rule..

No new blogs on Friday..because it is Friday and I made it through the freakin' week.  My kids weren't taken by  DFS, I wasn't arrested, Ching didn't leave me or I wasn't judged by some crap mom in West Newton.

When I was in high school, every Friday, my mom would order Little Caesar's rather than cook.  My mom, Jess and I would eat pizza in front of the t.v. and bask in the glow of making it through another week.

I am basking right now..check me out tomorrow..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My sponge is old, ratty and smelly.

Today Ching is working from home.  Laurel is on vacation and back from Nana's..she has a field trip through her after school program.  She has to be picked up by 3:30 so it makes sense that Ching can work from home (I have no idea what he does to this day..). But when he is at home with a potential of at least girl coming home early, I hold my breath all freakin' day. I am at work (my job doesn't allow "working from home").  Every now and then, I will get a random text from Ching just like this:

"Do you know where my car keys are?" 
"I am going to run errands and I have decided to take books back to the Library.  Have you seen Laurel's library books?"
"Where is the diaper bag? I am going to pick Rachel up early and we are going to the Atrium."

Holy God, are you kidding me?  My head is barely bobbing above the surface at work as I am trying to learn something new.  (Those freakin' young people are soaking up info like a sponge.  My sponge is old, ratty and smelly.)  My mind can multi-task (hit me with anything)  and I can answer all of the above questions.  But should I?

"Your keys are in the leather valet--I make sure they are there every night."
"Laurel's books are scattered in the family is open, face down under the loveseat."  
"The diaper bag is in the car that I have to put together one on your own..just a diaper, wipes, sippy cup and plastic spoon.  You're good.."

But I don't want to answer...he needs to learn. If I answer, he will come back?  Should I be at his beck and call? If so, I then have to give very, very detailed instructions like the Garmin we have in the Toyota.
"You know, the family room..walk in, two paces forward then turn to your left.  (You do know that we have a family room, right?) Hey, look at that..Laurel's book."

God damn it, I need a vacation and not one where we visit Ching's relatives. I like Uncle Ming Luh's dumplings but I need a real one with warm breezes and room service..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I know, I almost did jazz hands

An acquaintance on Facebook saw the above picture and posted a funny comment.  This picture was taken during the summer of 1989 when I was 17.  You can see hints of snarky Jude but her signature look and optimism were definitely distinct.  She had more self confidence at 17 than I do now.  Perhaps it was her limited view and responsibilities but she makes me smile every time--the spunk she had and the fact that she truly thought she was all that and a bag of chips.

If I were to sit down with her now, I would have a few things to tell her.  By no means would I want to change the course of the future because I truly believe that things happen for a reason.  So..let's start with the superficial:

1.  (To avoid mix up--big mommy Jude is calling her Molly, for obvious reasons.)  Molly, I know that you feel like you have a ton of money.  The job at CVS that pays you $4.50 an hour which equates to about $60-$80 a week makes you feel rich but you have no responsibilities.  And you spend your money on stupid accessories from The Limited and The Express.  While I applaud that you have no credit cards, you also don't know what it's going to be like to go to an ATM, ask for $20 and you don't have enough for that withdrawal.  You should save more...
2.  You have been driving for several months and not once have you filled the gas tank.  Don't put that on your mother every time.  AND, it only costs $1.20 a gallon..rather than buy that ridiculous you really want me to finish that statement, Mol?  While you will have a couple of car accidents in the future that will not be your fault, your speeding tickets will be.  And when you see that the officer is a woman, don't try to act like she is your new best friend.  You know better than that.
3.  Your face make-up is a smidge too heavy.  For Christ sakes--you are only 17.  Moisturizer (kudos on the sunscreen) is enough..just a little eye make-up too.  You wear those freakin' huge glasses anyway..Later in life you will discover false eyelashes..not for now, but believe you me..awesome (I know, I almost did jazz hands).
4.  I know you are a product of the 1980's..but shiny fabrics and sequins, not the way to go for the prom.  It will take you several years to understand the subtly of of basic black.
5.  You have never exercised because you are thin and don't think that you have to.  Your metabolism is going to slow way down at 30..but keep in mind that it is truly amazing to push yourself physically.  You do know that when you have kids that UPS doesn't deliver them, right?  It takes energy.
6.  With exercise, comes food.  Remember it is a pleasure to eat and to appreciate the work that goes into the preparation.  Also you have a virgin liver..oh my.
7.  You work hard but you have never known a true academic or work related deadline..pace yourself.
8.  And lastly, you do not need to leave the college or university with a boyfriend (I know where you are going..but it's a surprise).  Really, will all work out.  (And he is a very good catch!!)  One last thing..hickeys are not cool.  No one bought the story that you burned your neck with your curling iron.  Look how short your hair is..

Enjoy the next 22 years..really, remember to enjoy...but I would toss the specs.  No one in 2012 remembers Sally Jessy Raphael.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Emotions bubbling over, she told me that she was going to teach them how to spit and smoke.

(My Grampy's birthday is today.  He would have been 91--he passed 10 years ago.  I am specifically mentioning him because the sense of humor that I have as I write anything is from him (through my mom and then to me).  I have never know anyone that could hit the ball back harder and faster than he could.  I think he would like this blog--actually I hope he would.  Not getting too sentimental, I am going to end this thought with his favorite toast (that my mom will still frequent) :  "Here's to you, Here's to me, Hope we never disagree.  But if we do, The hell with you.  Here's to me!)

Speaking of grandparents, currently I am down a girl..Since it is February vacation and the Wangs didn't plan a vacation, Laurel went up to stay with her mom.  As fun as Disney but so much more frugal..

When I told my mom that I was pregnant both times (with my girls), she was so excited.  Emotions bubbling over, she told me that she  was going to teach them how to spit and smoke.  Please keep in mind that I have neither seen my mom spit nor smoke.  It was her way to say she was going to grandparent without abandon.

My mom's mom, now known as Great Nana, had the same abandon with simple gestures..taking me on her errands to Mister Market and CVS.  Lunch at McCrory's (I could order anything!) and riding home in her Caprice Classic (my Nana apparently drove a cop car.)  She would add Pringles to every lunch and let me have as much soda as I wanted.  Honestly, grandparents are hard because they pass or fall into old age..(that was my solemn thought of the month..and now I have to come back to snark.)

My mom will let my girls eat marshmallows for breakfast.  During a grocery shopping expedition, I saw my mom toss EVERYTHING in the cart.  Everything that Laurel wished for went into that favors, books, candy..of course, no God damn food. to I have never seen my mom buy more than $300 of groceries like the trip that I saw with my girl Laurel.

I joke that my girls will get to sample their Nana's Cosmo when they are 16.  I have also been asked about my girls' limited of number of is about quality...and that is not a joke.

Monday, February 20, 2012

And again this is in the mid-80's..perfect hat trick of teenage awkwardness, a mullet and an overbite.

Bad mom..table for 1?  I let Laurel down today.  She went to the dentist this morning and she has a cavity. She is only six and she is going to be scarred for life in regards to this semi-annual visit.

Let me back up and talk about my teeth and my love of the dentist.  I have very hard teeth, therefore only one cavity..ever.  Not because of stellar brushing or flossing, just hard teeth.  (It wasn't all roses and sunshine, I had a massive overbite.  While I never tried, I swear I didn't need a bottle opener. And again this is in the mid-80's..perfect hat trick of teenage awkwardness, a mullet and an overbite.)  Looking at Laurel and the way she smiles, I believe she is going to be blessed with that awesome overbite prior to any orthodontics.  I was also hoping for the hard teeth gene but I think she is more like Ching in that department.  He told me his teeth are soft and his mouth is peppered with fillings.

Even knowing that I probably didn't have a cavity, I still dreaded going to the dentist as a kid.  Trying to hold those fluoride trays in my mouths made me throw up once and would always make me queasy on the ride home.  Now, I just sit in fear of them hitting a sensitive spot where my gums are receeding.  If they do hit it, they have to scrape me off the ceiling.

When the hygienist shuffled me in to the examining area to tell me about Laurel's appointment, my stomach sunk.  Meanwhile, Laurel is by the treasure chest getting prizes and do-dads that will clutter Casa Wang--apparently this is where my dental insurance is going.  While she told me that her brushing was quite good (Hell, I'll take that), I was asked about her flossing.  Unfiltered Jude came out of no where. (Sometimes that bitch needs to be slapped.) When she asked if I helped her with flossing, I fessed up and said no.  (What were you thinking UJ?)  Technically, I did help her by getting her obscenely expensive dinosaur pick/flossy things.  But I will admit, I have been babied by my hygienist.  She knows that I have two young kids.  Chances that I can go to the bathroom with the door closed is pretty slim so getting to floss..not so much.

I am worried about Laurel's tolerance for pain..she doesn't even wiggle her two loose teeth.  (Any regular reader knows my high tolerance so I will blame Ching for that one.)  There is cash on the line..what kid doesn't wiggle their teeth? And the noise of the drill.  Laurel doesn't like the noise of the hairdryer..holy Christ on is she going to tolerate the drill?

They gave me this little flyer about how to prepare the child for this dreadful event which I have scheduled for 3/2.  I shouldn't use the words like "pain, hurt, needle, shot, tooth pulled, decay or drill".  I have to avoid comments like "Did it hurt?  That wasn't so bad! You were so brave! Did you get a shot?  Were you afraid?"  I am supposed to use positive reinforcement like "You were a great helper and wasn't that fun?"  Are you freakin' kidding me?  I am seriously afraid that Laurel is going to be in a catatonic state.  That is why I am making Ching take her.

Anyone want to buy me a drink next Friday, 3/2?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sounds easy a single, childless person

I work with young people.  Young is always a flimsy gauge..the young that I work with were born mid to late 80's.  They don't understand the following:  In TV, they don't remember NBC (Diff'rent Strokes) and ABC (Webster) dueling two cute young looking black boys.  Of course in the mid-90's, we realized that they were 18 while playing 8.  There was also Punky Brewster..little orphan girl set to live with some old white guy that develops pictures.beyond creepy.  They don't remember Mary-Lou Retton, the start of hair mousse, the voodoo math of Reaganomics and MTV prior to the RealWorld.  (Good videos like Warrior by Patty Smyth and anything by Culture Club) I have never even mentioned the goddess characters of Cagney and Lacey.  They don't deserve to know.  Sans C+L,  I bring up any of these things and they look at me with this blank look like I have asked them for money.

The issue that I have with working with "young people" is that they are trying to get on the fast track while I am not.  My day starts with my main job and ends with my main job. The work at my desk outside my home is filler and provides a paycheck or label it as my second job.  These young people get up, look and stay late by choice..then go home.  I wish I could do that  (well, actually I don't) but I can't. I feel like I look lazy in my position.  My laziness is not due to the fact that I don't try to do my best, I just can't do more right now.  I am trying to do the best that I can do while arriving at work with matching socks and pants...Sounds easy a single, childless person.

Currently, I work in retirement sales.  In a nutshell, I am trying to get financial representatives to sell my companies' retirement plans.  Sounds easy but there is always more stuff to learn or another list to make.  While this job may seem like a stepping stone for some twerpy chick that went to a semi-Ivy league school but to me, it provides benefits and pays for childcare.  My advancement is getting my girls from day to day, without fever, fed and feeling good about themselves.  That twerpy chick has no idea...honestly, perhaps jealous, I want to kick her in the face.

I should be grateful that there are opportunities for others at work because it keeps the environment alive and well but where are those women like me..are they just staying silent?  Are they gone and just working at Target??  Where are you?  We are silent..grabbing the cheap coffee in the morning and looking down to make sure our pants are on and our socks match..

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Not spending my Saturday with King Jehovah...

(My apologies for a lack of blog on Friday..friends Gina G and Meagan P took advantage and wined and dined me..thank you!)

Today is Saturday, it's 4:00 and I just shotgunned a Diet Coke to give me a mid-afternoon jolt.  It is freakin' Saturday!!  What the hell is wrong with me? While it is the weekend, I know I should relax and enjoy the time with the girls (and, yeah, Ching).

It is that freakin' God awful list of things to do. I am always looking at the dry erase my list of fun. I fill it with awesome tasks of folding five loads, grocery shopping, cleaning out the fridge and perhaps a trip to Target.  I am sure there are some bonus rounds of crap.. Perhaps, I shouldn't say crap since the tasks are for my family.  I love my family..doesn't every family have these tasks?  Seems like everyone else are doing fun things..(I know the single and childless are)..

All during the work week, I wait for the weekend.  Count down every day.. I don't know if it is the mild hope of relaxation or the fact that I don't need to put on anything with the Brooks Brothers logo.  Granted I don't have to get up at 5:30 to make those lunches for the girls.  (You know how previously I have talked about winning the lottery and wanting a driver?  With the driver, I want a kid lunch maker, a hair dresser for a good blow out and aesthetician to wax me seal smooth..)

I have a dear friend, Sue, and as a child, she had to spend every Saturday and Sunday at the Hall to worship the King Jehovah.  According to her she was just waiting...with hard seats and weird smelling bathrooms. She has told me her story and I don't think of the obvious.  The obvious is, "Holy Fudge didn't have childhood of lessons, play dates and cartoons?"  My mind is thinking something else..How did you mom do the laundry, food shop, etc?  When did your mom do all those things?

Aren't all moms like this?  Do they face late Sunday afternoon with a "crap, I didn't get that done!!"  On Saturday, I didn't think that the cars needed to be cleaned out..but Sunday at 4:00..God damn it!

If you know a better way..please fill me in...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Yeah, it's war at the Wangs (as I shadow box!)

When I was in the 4th grade, there was such an outbreak of this issue that any sort of school assembly was cancelled to make sure no kids mingled.  You were not allowed to exchange hats and if your hair was long, it was a good idea to put it up in a ponytail.  (Sucked to be a boy)  Every few days, each child was checked..if your head is starting to itch right know that I am talking about lice.  While I never got it as 9 years old, that 1982 winter at Morrison Memorial was not great.  Everyone would constantly be checked and you knew the ones who caught it because they were sent home immediately.  I believe this anxiety was my first foray into the phrase "pitting down to my ankles."

Let's flash foward to August of 2008 shall we? Little Laurel (2 and a half at the time) was sitting on my lap.  I am fiddling with her hair while my inner voice starts:
(Why does she have little pieces of crud like rice stuck to her hair?)
( And they won't shake off either..)
(what is th...Holy Shit.  This is lice/nits!!)

I can handle this.  Laurel and I walk to our local CVS and get some lice shampoo.  (And I get a Snickers to soothe the sting of humiliation.  I know it shouldn't bother me but it's lice, God damn it!!)  Just wash, clean some things around the house..all set.

Not all set..with nits, they don't just flake off with a little shampoo washing.  These little buggers have to be pulled off, strand by strand.  And let me remind you that Laurel was just a smidgen over 2 at the time.  I realized that I needed to bribe her with sugar and lots of TV to get her to sit still so I can nit pick. AND all carpets need to be vacuumed, all bedding, clothing either washed or bagged for several days.  (Bagging soft items suffocates those little nits dead!  Yeah, it's war at the Wangs (as I shadow box!))

I couldn't send Laurel to daycare with nits, so for a few days, it was just Laurel, several packets of fruit snacks, Disney Channel and me picking nits.  Ching said he had some really important meetings that he couldn't miss. (Freakin' Ass..yeah, that Valentine's Day love has worn off.) I thought I could get this problem fixed in a day..nope..nothing like calling in to work saying the infestation is still around.

Never had I wanted Laurel to be a boy.  We would have buzzed her head.  Even at 2, I wouldn't do that to her.  We just cut her hair very short..telling her how chic she looked.  Thankfully, she bought it and was still so beautiful.

The worst part was the small daycare that I used.  This daycare that I love assumed that I spread the nits.  Because I quickly fessed up first and said Laurel had it, caused other mom's to look at their kids (who also had nits up the yin yang).  Apparently, my kid was the cause because everyone wanted to know how I got it and gave it to their kids.  While I loved most of these moms a few days ago prior to LICEGATE, at this point, they all had the word TWAT tattooed on their forehead.

There was one mother who was completely incapacitated by the whole situation.  Her pinched up face and voice could barely deal with the issue.  Her vanilla turd daughter with barely a pulse just looked up at me.  Since the mom brought her to the daycare, I assumed she was nit-free.  Oh, no..the mom apparently wasn't familiar with a Google Image search engine.  She didn't know what to look for in regards to nits or lice.  She brought her daughter at the precise time that I dropped off (and you know I am prompt).  This mom wanted me to check, not only her daughter but her.  It was 7:40 and I wanted to do a vodka shooter (it's 5:00 somewhere, right??).  The daycare provider pleaded with me with her eyes and I said I would check (quickly, because I had to get the freak to work because I had the most awesome director at the time.)  The little girl was fine.  The mom was another story.  She didn't have lice but instead had this massive mole on her scalp that made me recoil and cry for my mom.  It was gross and I was so pleased that Laurel bit her daughter (twice) in the past.

The irony of this whole hair.  I had hair that went half way down my back (I know, at my age, it should have been cut several inches).  My scalp inched so badly and Ching like that pinched up mom couldn't figure out if I had nits too.  (He didn't have it..freaker!) So I had to haul my ass to my HMO, pay the co-pay to have some doctor check my scalp.  I didn't have it..but I itched for days.

I have a colleague that is petrified of lice.  While I suffered, and got through inner voice cackles like a bitch.  (Yeah, it's like that.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CCW 1, JCW 0..

While Laurel brought in her homemade Valentines to school, Rachel had to bring in something too.  Sounds simple but..not so much..

CCW:  I signed Rachel up for a snack.  She needs to bring apples on Tuesday.
JCW:  Did they say how many they would like?
JCW:  Is it for a Valentine's Day Party?
CCW: I am not sure.  But I think they specified that they would like red apples.
JCW:  Are they using the apples for a color lesson (red)?
CCW: (Getting nervous and regretting signing Rachel up for anything right now. ) I don't know.
JCW:  Well, I am just not sure if they just want the apples for a lesson or a snack.  If they specified red, they may be focusing on the color.  If it was for a snack, I would peel and cut the apples. The color of the skin would be irrelevant at that point. Anyway, I can't bring in apples not prepped.  It is bad enough that I drop Rachel off in record speed.
CCW: I don't know
JCW:  That wasn't a question
CCW: I just put Rachel's name next to apples..
JCW: Would you like to leave the room and I will ask prior to bringing them in?
CCW: Yes..I tried..(quickly darts away like a spooked cat)

What the hell was that?  I can't tell if I am the dominant gender right now or he just pulled a fast one with claiming to know very little so I would do it..God's the latter.  Wasn't this an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond?  CCW 1, JCW 0..

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If a guy wants to show me how pretty he is, he is probably a douchebag.

So picking up from my last post about that Asian guy named Mike...

It took many years for Ching to fess up to other people how we really met.  He would tell people that we met through a friend.  Little did they know that he had to log on to this friend to meet chicks. (Christ, it sounds like porn!!)  Back in 1999, Ching and I met through a site called  (I just checked..the site is still there.)  I found out about the site through a colleague that was using it as well.  Very intrigued, I logged on and created a profile.  I didn't need a picture.  Back then, you tended to stay away from profiles with pictures.  (If a guy wants to show me how pretty he is, he is probably a douchebag.)

I thought this mode of meeting someone was freaking genius.  It allowed me to scan through several men in record speed without having to leave my desk.  I have never been known as inefficient.  Within two weeks time, I was having an e-mail conversation with some guy named Mike. (Of course, he wrote to me first...) I could tell he was very smart.  While his profile said that he was a CPA and studied at Boston College, he also was a very good writer because his e-mails were quite funny.  Score (holy shit!!)..quantitative and verbal at the same time!!  He would also give me a little crap here and there about my profile answers.  He was very good natured, yet ballsy about it, too.  Never did he end his snark with that crap, "just kidding".  He said it and he would never try to take it back. Awesome..he owned it every God damned time.

I began to notice that he would sign his messages as "CCW".  I came out and asked him one day "Hey, if your name is Mike, why are your initials, CCW?"  He came clean.  He told me that his name was Ching.  Like he was reading my mind, he then quickly followed up with a "You will get used to it."  Since his name is very ethnic, he chose something very generic for total anonymity.  So Mike374 was actually Mr. Ching Wang.  (The whole "getting used to the name" ; you might think that it's not a big deal but imagine yelling "Ching!!" in Target on a busy Sunday..people do look.")

We agreed to meet on September 1, 1999 at Sonsie on Newbury Street.  He was waiting for me at the front.  And when I saw him, I knew.  Every being in my snarky assed body knew...I absolutely didn't fall in love with him at first sight..I didn't know him.  I just had a very comfortable feeling about him that I recognized from some where that I couldn't place.  Then I knew.. this man was the man I was going to marry.  I recognized him as my husband.  Of course, I didn't tell him that.  Holy Fudge..If I had said that..I would have sounded like a clingy freak about to knit baby booties and he would have hit the road in a flash and left me with the check. Yeah, ladies, you know.

So I was just very cool about it..there was no reason not to be.  I knew this was my man Ching Wang and the future Mr Jude Carlson.

During the night, there was this little voice that said, "don't muck it up".  And I didn't..holy shit, I didn't.  My jokes were smooth, my comebacks cut like a knife.  He laughed without abandon.  Ching is a man that has his shit corporate demeanor but when he laughs..all (the late) Chris Farley.  So amazing...I am not going to lie, it felt pretty hot when he laughed at my jokes.  It was also 88 degrees in the restaurant.

This guy was smart..I could finally bring a boyfriend home to my mom and sister.  See..all three of us ( my mom, Jess and me..) we like to toy with stupid like cats clawing at balls of yarn... My man Ching (during this date, he was mine) I knew he could hold his own.  He would be a match to my mom and sister..finally..

When the check came, I tried to pay--the entire bill and then just for my part of dinner.  He insisted to pay the entire bill.  I made it clear that we were not knocking boots if he paid.  He laughed and I was his forever...Happy Valentine's Day from a skeptic...but it can happen!  As a post script, Ching did try to make a move and try to come up to my apartment..he was sent home....because at that time, I was all attijude and didn't even know...

I am blessed..regardless of the snark, I know that I am blessed....(the bitchy snark will come up again tomorrow..)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Like a job interview but instead of a handshake, some creep wanted to swap spit.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, I am utterly grateful that I give the day very little thought. (Other than those freakin' homemade Valentines that I made with Laurel thinking it was a good bonding exercise.)  According to Mr Ching Wang, every day is Valentine's Day with him.  But what I think of the day is that past dread that I would have when I wasn't with anyone.  Perhaps I was out there, trying to date.  God, dating absolutely sucked.  Like a job interview but instead of a handshake, some creep wanted to swap spit.

I do believe it was a good thing that I did date and "date" several men prior to meeting my husband.  I truly felt that I wasn't settling for him..I knew what was out there and he was my man.

There were bad dates, some good but mainly bad ones.  There was the guy that gnawed on a wart that was on his hand (like he was biting a fingernail) as we were about to order lunch.  There was the guy who kept saying "ex-squeeze" me years after the duo from Wayne's World made the phrase trite and stupid.  And then there was the guy that thought it would be a good idea to offer a motel by the hour on the Berlin Turnpike (complete with shag carpeting and ceiling mirror).

I wasn't the princess of picks either. While I cleaned up nice, if I was bored, I couldn't hide it.  A lot of times, I was just comparing him to someone else.  You know, that guy that I pining for and acting like an absolute idiot. If I could, I would cut my loses mid date.  (Let's just move on)

After a lot of bad dates and bad decisions, I took a year off in my mid-twenties.  I thought I needed to work on myself first and then get out there.  When I was ready to get back in the game, I wasted no time.  I wasn't going to go to a bar or let someone fix me up.  I hit the personals in Boston Magazine.  I know that screams, "bad decision", but I had nothing to lose.  I truly felt like I was good catch.  Unfortunately the guy that I responded to was not.  Not only was I using the mag as a resource but I was also using a new mode of meeting men..internet dating sites (this was in 1999)  While I was getting ready for this Boston Magazine date, I was also corresponding with some Asian dude that called himself Mike but his initials were CCW?

To this day, I can't remember the name of Boston Magazine's guy.  But I can tell you key points of the date--he told me that he didn't like sports, lived with his parents and tried to convert me to Catholicism on the spot.  Then his drink came..he ordered White Zinfindel.  I am sitting across from a guy with pink wine.  The conversation was so strained but luckily we found a common bond..we liked to watch Beverly Hills 90210 re-runs.  That was the only commonality that we had.  I also remember the beautiful faucet fixtures in the ladies room.  You know when a date is bad when you are making note of the bathroom fixtures.

Luckily, he didn't even try to lean in for the business when we said good night.  There wasn't a second date.

But while I am a glass half empty on guys..I was strangely optimistic about talking again to this Mike....I went home not disappointed and eager to log on to my computer.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I love saying the last name "Wang"..sounds tough yet exudes a giggle every time.

(A very belated thank you to three ladies who shared my blog on Facebook on Friday.  I was able to get 104 hits that day!  Again, thank you!)

It is Saturday night..Ching looks at me and says..."hey you know what I am in the mood for?"
(Oh Christ.  Really??)
CCW:  Thinking about dumplings for dinner!
JCW: (yay!)  Me too!  I would love some!  (Asian cuisine saves me again!  Awesome!)
But I want Ching to call it in..not me and I won't pick it up either.  Let me tell you why. Several years ago in Newtonville, where we live, I placed a quick order at the Lobster Wok.  The cheapest and quickest place to pick up some grub of my man Ching Wang's peeps. I called it in and gave the last name Wang.  It's easier than giving the whole hyphenated last name or my first name which very few seem to understand.  Anyway..I love saying the last name "Wang"..sounds tough yet exudes a giggle every time.  But this so much..

JCW:  I am here to pick up my order.  My last name is Wang. (I can see my's the only one waiting.  Honestly, never a great sign when there is only one order waiting and this is a strictly pick up or deliver place.)
Asian Woman about 22 years old:  No it's not.
JCW: I'm sorry.. my order isn't ready yet?
AW about 22: No, you're white.
JCW : (Hey you're quick!)  I know that.
AW about 22:  But you gave the last name of Wang?
JCW: (Holy Christ on Crutches) Yes I did..that is my name.  I ordered this.  My last name is Wang.  My married name is Wang.
AW about 22: You're married name is Wang?
JCW: Yes..can I pay for my order?
AW about 22: You're married to a Chinese man?  Does he speak Chinese?
JCW: (You better believe I married a Chinese man..ethnicity aside..Mr Ching Wang is an excellent catch.)  I did and he does.
AW about 22:  (She says nothing..she just stares at me.)
JCW:  (Holy Shit..I think she is going to cut me for taking a brother.  Apparently I have done something very bad.  I pay quickly and get the hell out of there.)

And I follow up with another bad thing..I ate their General.  So not good.  Needless to say, I never went back.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Stare her down..she is not the boss of you

Last night was a weird night..just a quick snapshot of some exchanges between my best girls and me..

Laurel:  Mom I need $5 for the Valentine's Day Boutique.
JCW:  You just want me to hand over $5?
Laurel:  It is going to charity.  We have a lot of money and this goes to people who don't.
JCW:  First of all, I was unaware that your name of was on the checking account.  Secondly, we don't have "a lot" of money.
Laurel:  I just need $5.  Not a big deal--it's just like a one dollar bill but it has a five on it.
JCW: (Holy shit..good one Laurel.  She IS mine!)

Rachel: (first thud in the trash)
JCW:  Rachel, Daddy's shoes do not belong in the trash
Rachel: (staring me down, indifference exuding out of every pore...second thud in the trash)
JCW:  No Rachel.  Can you take those out of the trash? (Totally fruitless request)
Rachel: (Stares at me.  Looks in the trash. Looks back at me)
JCW: (Stare her down..she is not the boss of you..keep staring, you can win this)
Rachel: (After seven seconds, she walks away but doesn't touch the shoes)
JCW:  (As I get the shoes out of the trash) I win..I will take this victory.

Laurel: (shouting from the bathroom)  I am using soap this time!!
JCW:  (What??)I thought you used soap every time..
Laurel:  Oh, yeah...I do..I just meant two pumps this time.
JCW: (As I look at the things Laurel has just touched prior to using soap and reach for disinfecting wipes..)

Laurel:  Mom, my friend Ava said that I have blue highlights in my hair.
JCW:  No, you don't.
Laurel:  Ava is in first grade..she would know.
JCW: Ava is on crack.
Laurel:  What Mom?
JCW:  I said that Ava is full of crap.  (Bad, bad mother!!)

This is a reason why mom's drink..their lives mirror those crappy anecdote pages of Reader's Digest.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A good resource..or the best birth control ever??

I was asked if I thought my girls would be bothered by what I write about them or myself on a daily basis.  Absolutely not.  If I was offered the opportunity to publish a book on ovary success and wifely duties and this book could be available on any random shelf, I would jump at the chance.  For me, this blog is the next best thing.  The blog is my shelf for my book.

Everything that I have written has been said out loud in the Wang home.  My sarcasm is no secret.  Jesus, how the hell would I be able to keep that a secret?  I would have a constant headache. I am not sure if Laurel understands snark..but Rachel..that lovely smell off her hair?  It's not Johnson and Johnson no Tangle Shampoo..that's JCW Snark in Training...(oh my gorgeous girl)

While I do know, I over share. I can't help it.  I am not sure if I need to do this with the slight hope that I am getting someone to laugh. Call me a whore but I love an easy laugh..and I am addicted to getting someone to laugh at what I am's like crack.  (I know this is my second reference to crack in my blog.  The first being from entry 1/31. In case you are wondering, no, I don't have a crack addiction.  I just like saying it)  Writing down my snark keeps me sane..if I didn't perhaps I would turn to crack...ahh, look at that, full circle.

I call my sharing issue the "Did you know that I went to Japan" syndrome.  In the summer of 1997, my mom went to Japan for 6 weeks.  While it was a trip of a lifetime, the culture shock was so eye opening and traumatic (for a lack of a better word) that she had to constantly share this trip to process the experience.  To this day, she will start a story about her travels with "Did you know that I went to Japan?"  For several years, I openly mocked her ( because that is what we do in my family).  I had no idea why she did this...until childbirth and becoming a mother became my own trip to Japan.  While I was happy but exhausted, joyous yet mortified about what I was going through, I wanted to tell everyone about everything.  And let me stress everything.  I could turn any simple statement and make it about me and my experience in a flash.
"Did you get a papercut?"  JCW-"Let me tell you about my episiotmy."
"I have to go to the gym."  JCW-"Hey do you know what burns an extra 400 calories a day?  Breastfeeding."
"What am I going to have for dinner?"  JCW- "When I was pregnant with Laurel I was eating two dinners a night by month eight."
It didn't matter if you were a man or a woman, a parent or childless.  I needed to share everything.

My work outside the home really supported my need to share.  I would offer any information about becoming a mom or parenting.  There were these two lovely ladies (Gina and Meghan H) that I would share with while I was pregnant with Rachel...they asked!  Procreation, gestation, stitches, delivery, etc.  They asked, really!   I was either a better source than a magazine article ( Ask what you want of your Gyn!) or the best birth control ever.  My assumption is that they wanted to know info--they asked and never made me feel like a circus freak.

I seemed to lose modesty in each pregnancy.  If you are asking yourself, how much could that be? Let me tell you.  If I was 40 weeks and so close to wanting to deliver, and on the commuter rail going from uptight Wellesley to South Station..they could have check my dilation at Fenway..just sayin'.  Yeah, it gets that bad.  If you are a dude..think about turning your head and coughing on the big screen during the 7th inning stretch..'s like that..really.  Squeeze a 8 pound ham out..yeah, ladies, you know...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I haven't had a good night's sleep since the beginning 2005.

I haven't had a good night's sleep since the beginning 2005.  While it has been several years since my body was an oven to the bun and my girls rarely wake up during the night, the logical part of me believes that I should sleep like a rock.  Because, believe me, I am tired. But I don't sleep well because several times during the night, I wake up, think of something so ridiculous and then it's two hours later.

Last night I feel asleep at 10:16.  (I have this weirdo Rain Man like habit of checking the current time and figuring out how much sleep I would get if I slept soundly to 5:30.  That would be 7 hours and 14 minutes...7 hours, 14 minutes...yeah, like that is freakin' going to happen.)

1:00  Rachel is coughing.  It sounds terrible like she is going to make herself throw up.  I hope she doesn't throw up.  Did I remember to turn on her humidifier?  If I go in now, she is going to sense me in there and want to be held.  Give it a couple of minutes...

I am now dreaming that Laurel is throwing up on me and my work outfit.  I have to quickly change and get her to school.  But why am I taking her to school?  She has just gotten sick..I lie and tell the teacher she is fine.  But I when I go back home to change (did I drop her off with vomit on clothes--they know I lied!!), I have no clean clothes.  The cleaners can't find my stuff.  The cab that I take (why don't I drive) can't find my building in South Boston.  It's 3:00 and I have yet to call my manager and tell her that I am going to be late.

2:23  I am awake again.  I don't think I shouldn't have made Laurel the necklaces made with 100 Lifesavers for to celebrate the 100th day of school.  They are heavy and if one of those damn pieces of candy breaks..she is going to be crushed to only have 99.  I should have used something stronger than decorative ribbon.  Screw you, Martha Stewart.

2:42  Ching sounds like he is getting a cold.  God, I wish he would use that nose spray before going to bed.  Putting it on his pillow before he comes to bed would be rather obvious.

3:02  This would make an interesting blog.

3:16  Think I will check Facebook on my phone.  C'mon, will yourself to sleep!!

4:22  I fell asleep but now I am awake again.  I had that same stupid dream where I didn't realize I was registered for a college course until day before the final.  After 20 years, that dream still makes me panic.  What am I going to make Rachel for lunch? Yesterday was english muffin pizza..and she ate another kid's lunch.  Maybe today I will try the french toast waffle.  God, I hope I have enough milk.  Come could get 1 hour and 8 minutes...

5:12.  And I could get 18 minutes...that will just have to do.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I like salty more than sweet--imagine that?

Next Tuesday is Valentine's Day.  Next Tuesday Laurel needs to go to school with 22 valentines for her classmates, 2 for her teachers and 1 for that Paul.  As you could probably guess, I am not a fan of Valentine's Day.  It's a day when you either run the risk of feeling more alone than you are or pissed at your significant other for not doing something or spending too much on something (screwed either way).  Then there are those freakin' commericials--"he went to Jared".  I swear if I ever met this Jared, I would kick him in the face.

I have specifically told Ching not to do anything for the day.  Flowers die (and there is nothing more gross than old dirty flower vase water) and I am not into chocolates.  I like salty more than sweet--imagine that?  (Actually how awesome would a valentine hunk of good cheese be?)  Valentine's Day should be about kind gestures for the ones that you love and don't cost a cent.  If Mr Ching Wang is insistent on an idea for the day, you could give him one of these:

1.  If you wake up in the middle of the night and your mouth is dry, more likely than not, you are snoring.  Do me a favor, get up and sleep in the guest bedroom because, yes, I am awake.
2.  If you see three squares left, get a new roll!  AND take the old one off, throw it away and put the new one in the holder.  Just sticking the new roll on top of the old roll is only doing half the job.
3.  If you are going to walk to the kitchen with a dirty plate, reach a little lower than the counter or sink. (Nope, lower, lower...Mr Ching Wang meet the dishwasher.)
4.  Your socks didn't go from fresh to stinky on the floor.  And tossing them on the floor next to the hamper..not in the hamper?  No words for that one...
5.  When I ask for ideas of what to make for dinner, I am specifically asking for help coming up with an idea.  Saying that "I am fine with whatever" is not helpful.  I am asking for a suggestion not confirmation that you will eat anything.

If Ching did any of those five, he would be pitching serious woo.  (But then I would also have to repeat myself's closed for business!! 1/13)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Also the funding college plans makes me worry less that the girls will need to get a spelling bee or badminton scholarship.

I have a pounding headache.  I am transitioning into a new role at work and I have no idea what I am doing.  I feel like an absolute idiot.  At this point, you can probably assume that I have no patience for giving myself enough time to learn.  I just want to know it and be good at it..right away.  I hate change too...I bitch when my cheese has been moved.  This is the type of workday when I question why I even work outside the home.

There is the practical side of working--the Wangs like two credits in the left column on the budget spreadsheet to balance out all the debits on the right.  (Also the funding college plans makes me worry less that the girls will need to get a spelling bee or badminton scholarship.)  But even if we cut back and learned to live with less, I have to work outside of the home.  My girls need to see me work.

Currently, they are at an age where my work is a mystery to them.  Rachel has no idea why I leave her at daycare.  Maybe she thinks I am leaving her because of incidents like last night when she climbed up on the dining room table and stood on the surface, arms up (ta-da!) while reaching for the chandelier.  While daycare is not a punishment, if dropping her off prevents her from doing it again, I will take it.

While Laurel knows that I am going to work, she has a lot of misconceptions. "Mommy is very important..Mommy has a big office", etc.  (Oh, Laurel..silly girl. Mommy is a minion) She understands why we rush in the morning so we are not late but she has no idea of the consequences.  If Laurel had a choice, she would always have me home.  But she would have the best of both worlds..she gets to go to her after school program (and hang out with Paul) but I should be available at her beck and call.

Am I a better mom to them if I leave home and go to work?  Perhaps..I want them to see that I could support them on my own. Never disparaging Ching but I want them to know self sufficiency.  I attach a lot of my self worth to depositing a check (regardless of the size) into the Wang checking account.  I want them to know that satisfaction.  I am setting the example that they will have to work some day.  Also it gets me out of bed, showered and out of the house among people..most days I just want to be left alone.

I watched my mother work outside the home--she was a teacher.  Especially as a child, I was quite proud that I went to a sitter after school because my mom taught.  It didn't seem like there were a lot of kids that had a mom who did that.  So as a child, I decided that I would work too...I remember thinking that every workday I would step out of a very fancy car, with really high heels and fancy skirt.  (Flash forward to now when I step out of my 9 year old trusty Corolla in practical flats and pants because I hate to shave my legs.)

So would I work outside the home if I won the lottery?  Perhaps, but screw the fancy car idea..I would get a driver.  Let them deal with pick up and drop off...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

At that point of my labor, they could have inserted a needle in my eye and I would have been fine.

Six years ago today was a game changer--my Laurel Alexa was born. After the first year flew by, I wanted to make her something special on her first birthday.  I like my voice via written word so I wanted to describe the day that she was born.  (Also, I totally dropped the ball on the baby book.  Boo, Hiss.) The intent was one page but the floodgates opened and my one page turned into five.  I had so much to say that even after her gift was complete, I continued to write essays about being a new mom.  Some you have seen about not having control of the situation (12/27), breastfeeding (1/2), and maternity leave (1/21 and 1/22).  I put my essays away for awhile because it was hard to write and not have a small audience.  (Not going to lie, I do like a little gratification.)  Fast forward to last November when a girls weekend saved me in a way that I didn't know that I needed to be saved.  I was urged to start a blog narrating my thoughts.  I wanted to share Laurel's gift with you because this is truly how my blog started.   While she was born..I believe that I was too.

The day that you were born was a Sunday.  It was sunny.  I would like to fill you in on the first nine months before telling you about your birthday.

Your dad and I wanted you very much.  Not to freak you out, but we tried for almost a year before you came along.  I did have one miscarriage a couple of months before you were conceived.  While it was sad, the event solidified that we wanted to be parents; we were prepared and we had a lot of support around us in regards to family and friends.

The irony was during that practice time, several pregnancy test and ovulation kits; we weren't even doing it at the right time.  Your dad and I are educated, resourceful people.  What was wrong with us?  I had to be tutored by my OB/GYN about timing.  Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing.

Anyway, the pregnancy was considered easy and uneventful.  After the first 12 weeks, I felt pretty good.  I didn't eat anything during the first trimester because I was always nauseous.  I developed an aversion to red meat and chicken.  I couldn't go out to eat because reading a menu made me queasy.  Sometimes I didn't want to watch television.  You would be surprised how many food commercials or people drinking liquor are on TV.  When I started to feel better, I really tried to eat nutritious food--I stayed away from caffeine, etc.  But there were some cravings--the first being salami.  Your dad only let me have it twice because you shouldn't eat deli meat during a pregnancy and salami isn't even real meat.  And in the last trimester, I had this odd craving for ice and snow.  I can't explain that.  I was also letting myself eat whatever but still staying away from the bad stuff.  I was very excited for you to arrive and it felt like I was pregnant for a long time.  While I only gained 41 pounds total, I was very lucky that (I was told) I didn't look pregnant in the back or in my face.  But near the end I felt huge.

When you were inside me, your signature move was to stretch and push one of your hands in my side.  I could see it happening;  all of a sudden my belly had a corner.

We didn't find out if you were a boy or a girl.  I really wanted to be surprised when you were born.  But I had a strong feeling that you were a boy.  Actually I was convinced.  Your dad guessed girl because he knew on of us would be right.

The night before you were born, we ordered pizza and watched Mr+Mrs Smith.  The pizza I had was a Maui pizza--it had sliced tomatoes, pepperoni and pineapple.  I ate the whole large pizza--it was delicious.  I capped it off with a whoopie pie from around the corner.  Your dad didn't like the movie--I thought it was amusing.  Now, every time I see it on HBO, I think of that night.

You were officially due on February 15 so when I went to bed on February 4, I really wasn't expecting anything.  All your dad and I had planned for the next day was to go grocery shopping and watch the Super Bowl.  Very trite, but true, labor started at 4:00 in the morning.  But it was very mild and I knew I needed to get as much sleep as possible.  I was able to go back to sleep until 7:00 but then I was just lying there listening to your dad's light mucous filled snore.

I had a good amount of energy and I think this was my nesting time.  I decided that I needed to be well-groomed for the hospital.  I got up, showered, washed my hair, shaved my legs, moisturized and straightened my hair.  I decided that make-up wasn't necessary.

All of this was done by 8:00.  I am surprised I didn't watch TV--I went back upstairs to lie in bed next to your dad.  At this point, he was wondering why I was up.  I never get up early if I don't have to.  I didn't want to tell him at first because I didn't want to freak him out.  I wasn't sure how he was going to react.  So I said it exactly this way: "I don't want to freak you out but I think today is the day."  "Okay," he said, and rolled over and went back to sleep.

Ironically, your aunt Jess called...just wanted to know how we were in her sunny morning way.  She now feels bad that she woke Ching up (and this time he couldn't get back to sleep) on the last possible day he would be able to sleep late.  She was pretty excited when I told her what was happening and of course she had to remind me that she didn't need an epidural.

Your dad got up and ran some errands.  He got two donuts--one for me and one for you.  He went into work quickly to get his cell phone charger and went to CVS to pick up some random things.  One, of which, is the blue headband that I have on in our first family picture.  When he got back from his trip, he asked the question that is a dominant memory of the day.  He asked, "I know you don't have control of when (Little Wang) comes, but do you think it could be after the game?"  I told him that I would do my best.

So now we are waiting.  I am sitting on the couch just timing contractions.  No one told me that contractions don't necessarily need to be patterned to signify that the labor is progressing.  You were progressing pretty fast; I just didn't know it at the time.  One contraction would be 4 mins, then 7 mins, then 1 min--it was all over the place but I was patiently waiting for the contractions to be patterned.

Around noon, your dad and I were timing the contractions together.  They were pretty strong and some right after the other.  Since my water hadn't broker and there was no pattern, I still thought we had plenty of time.

I kept telling your dad that after each contraction, I was rubbing dirt on it and getting back into the game.  When your dad and I first met (which happened to be fall), we watched a lot of football together.  When a player would get injured, I would jokingly say that they just needed to rub dirt on it and get back into the game.  After awhile, your dad got upset with my statement.  He had several friends that played college level football and an injury can be pretty serious.  A player doesn't want to be hurt and come out of the game.  I didn't think about it that way and never said anything like that regarding a player and an injury.  The contractions were the worse pain that I ever experienced but I never felt like I was suffering.  I was trying to be as strong as possible and the only way that I could verbalize this to your dad was saying the comment about rubbing dirt on it.  And I want it duly noted that I was very kind to your dad during this whole time.  Some women scream at their husbands.  I could not do that.  I knew that he wanted to take some of the pain but couldn't.  I knew that he was doing his best to help me anyway possible.

Let me try to describe the pain.  When the labor started it was incredibly mild.  It felt like I was going to get my period.  It wasn't even strong enough to wish for Advil.  That's why I was able to go to back to sleep.  As the contractions got stronger, it was like a revving engine.  The pain somewhat took my breath away--I couldn't talk or walk during them.  I tried to order groceries online during them with no luck--I never got out of the produce aisle.

After an hour of the really strong (not patterned!) contractions, your dad insisted on calling the hospital.  My hesitancy of going was a fear that if I hadn't progressed enough, they would make me go home.  They said I might as well come in if the contractions were pretty strong and apparently it was pretty quiet at the hospital.  Your dad took charge..very efficient and got everything in the car.  I couldn't even get my sneakers on.

I distinctly remember walking out the back door behind your dad.  It was a very sunny but brisk--I had on my green winter coat.  Your dad said, "Next time that we come home, we will have a child!"  I couldn't even focus that far ahead.  I was just trying to get from the back door to the car.

Several weeks before you were born, we toured the hospital.  I remember thinking on the drive home how short of a trip it was from the Kenmore area of Boston to Newton.  Now, as I was sitting in the front seat, somewhat writhing in pain, the trip didn't seem short.  It also seemed like your dad was hitting every single pothole on the road regardless of it being on the left or right side.  You would think that there wouldn't be traffic on a leisurely Sunday, but there was.  We got caught behind a couple of old ladies going 15 miles under the speed limit.  Your dad was also cut off by another driver.  I honestly think he was torn between making the driver pay or getting me to the hospital.  Thankfully, he chose the latter.

Beth Israel Hospital is great when it comes to not letting a pregnant woman linger in the lobby.  (They probably want to save the carpets too.)  As soon as they saw me and your dad (making a gesture that he was going to park the car in a moment), they rushed us right upstairs.  They had valet parking too.

At this point, it was hard to tell if my thoughts were due to the pain or just due to my personality.  Check in just seemed to last too long.  The check in nurse seemed slow both in personality and ability.  She needed me to change into a hospital gown and give a urine specimen.  This was the hardest task I was given.  For some reason, with the contractions, I had a very hard time getting this done.  Needless to say, there were a few knocks on the door asking me if I was okay.  No specimen--I had been trying to go all morning.  Basically I was trying to will my water to break.

So I finally get the gown on and have to lie down on this table with two cushions--vinyl cushions!  It was like I was sitting in a lawn chair.  I was nervous that this was where I had to give birth.  Luckily, it was just the triage room, I guess.  The nurse then checked how dilated I was.  This is neither a pleasant nor quick task.  They are using as many fingers as possible and they are pretty slow.  BUT, I was 9 centimeters dilated.  That's right--9 centimeters with absolutely no drugs!  Your Aunt Jess can't even top that one.  We were pretty lucky that your dad insisted on getting to the hospital when we did.

So they wheel me into the delivery room.  As soon as I get in there, I start begging for drugs.  First I asked for Nubain (that's the analgesic that Jess used.  It is considered a painkiller but not an epidural).  This is where my voice changed.  I was kind of barking/growling out statements or requests.  The nurses said that the Nubain would work considering how far along in labor I was.  So I begged for an epidural.  This is about the time the OB came into the room.  She looked at my chart and chirped, "How are you doing Judy?"  I growled, "it's Jude!"  The OB's name was Dr Smaha (I can't make that up.)  She was very nice and understood why I was kind of rude.

The administering of the epidural took much longer than I thought.  First they have to insert a needle/I.V. into my spine when I was curled up like a shrimp THEN they tape the needle down THEN they hook the epidural drug to the needle/I.V.  All of this has to be done when no contractions are taking place.  Since my contractions were pretty close together, the process took longer than I thought.  Also, when all of this takes place, I have to be completely still.  Some women choose not to have an epidural because a needle goes into the spine.  One wrong move and it's not pleasant.  At that point of my labor, they could have inserted a needle in my eye and I would have been fine.

I needed the epidural because I wasn't ready to give birth without having some semblance of control.  I needed to rest a bit and gather my thoughts.  I wanted to appreciate the moment and I couldn't with full blown contractions.

So I get the epidural and I am incredibly comfortable.  I hadn't been that comfortable in a long time.  Also, just to know, the epidural is pretty much instant.  Powerful stuff.

While I was living free of any discomfort, they broke my water.  Big gush..but the bad news was that you pooped while you were in there and it was floating all around.  The concern was that some of it could have gotten in your nose and throat.

Now, when all of this is going on a television was on so we could watch the Superbowl.  It was about 6:00 so the pre-game events were still going one.  I was also happy as a clam because I had a cupful of ice chips--you know, the ice craving.  It was a pretty exciting time, like the few minutes just before you start tearing into Christmas gifts.

Right as kick-off was about to happen, I was told it was time to push.  I really didn't want to because I was afraid that I was going to be pushing for a long time.  I knew that it was going to be hard and honestly, I was afraid that I couldn't do it.

As we are prepping to get the show going, your heart rate dropped to about half.  A mild panic among the hospital staff took place--but I wasn't panicked.  We were at one of the best hospitals in Boston and I knew that you were going to be okay.  As soon as I rolled over on my right side, your heart rate was back to normal but they wanted you out soon.  I was given the option of pushing for a couple of rounds to see if I could make progress.  As soon as they could get to your head, they were going to suction you out.  If that didn't work, a C-section needed to be done.  Again, I wasn't panicked.  Some women have a hard time with not being able to deliver naturally.  I really didn't care about how the delivery was done.  I just wanted you out and okay.

So as kick off began between the Steelers and the Seahawks, I started to push.  The pushing process is 3-ten second pushes and then a short rest until the next contraction.  During my rest, they had me on my right side.  Your dad was incredibly supportive and motivating.  In high school, your dad got the Park City Pride Award during this senior year football season.  While he rarely played, he loved the game and always supported and motivated his teammates.  I guess it was good prep.

When you push while giving birth, you don't have to focus on a muscle group.  You just push with all your might (but it does help to think that you are a taking a really big poop).  Most of my pushes were quite good but some of them weren't so good.  The funny thing is that the doctor would tell me when it wasn't a good one.  I didn't have a problem with feedback--it was like, "my bad, I will try again".  Looking back, that moment of pushing you out was the strongest I have ever felt.  I truly believe that I could have lifted a car with that strength that I had during that moment.  We were lucky that with a few pushes, you were coming quite fast.  As soon as they saw your head, they sucked you out.  Your dad said it was a good think that I couldn't see this part because apparently your head became quite misshapen but then went right back into place.

I cannot describe what it was like when you actually came out of my body.  It is just an odd, surreal felling that another person is emerging.  I can tell you that it absolutely didn't hurt.

As soon as you were born (7:32), they announced that we had a girl.  I was stunned that I had been wrong all this time.  I almost asked them to check again.  I am sure that there was a part of your dad that was satisfied that he was right--but he never let on.

You were very aware but didn't cry.  I wasn't able to see you right away.  You were whisked over to the side so they could suction out your nose and throat.  But even after they did that you still didn't cry.  You were so calm.

There were a lot of thoughts that where going through my mind during these moments.  "I hope she is okay.  Are you sure she is a girl?  Holy Crap, I am some one's mom.  My life will never be the same.  Maybe they could put her back in.  Hey the game is still in the second quarter, I bet I could catch Grey's Anatomy later."  None of these things were said out loud.

Your dad was beaming and couldn't believe how beautiful you were.  He also said that I pushed like a champ.  He held you before I did.  I couldn't hold you because there was still some work that had to be done on me.  To put it briefly, you did some damage.  But luckily, most days, I am not incontinent.

So your dad is holding you, and I am having a conversation with a couple of doctors who are sewing up my girly bits.  Just social convo like, "where did you go to med school?".  Stuff like that..

They kep telling us how beautiful you were.  Doctors and nurses don't lie about that.  If you had been ugly, you would have been breathtaking, precious, or we would have been "proud".

We were asked if we had a name.  The deal that your dad and I had with names was this.  I picked our 5 girl names and he would pick his favorite.  He picked 5 boys names and I picked my favorite.  I absolutely loved the name Laurel--it was my #1 pick.  I thought the name sounded very wise, feminine and strong.  While you are not name after your Nana, I thought it was a nice connection.  But your dad wasn't into the name at first so he chose Alexa, which was #2.  This name is my middle name and I wanted to give you a feminine name with the opportunity for a boy's nickname like me.  Going into the hospital, if you were a girl, you would have been Alexa Laurel Wang.  But your dad and I felt that your name should be Laurel because you came out so calm and peaceful.  (I was also pretty psyched that I got my #1 pick).  So we switched to Laurel Alexa Wang.  We share the same middle name.

I called your Aunt Jess.  She was ecstatic but jealous that I didn't have to push as long as she did.  I called your Nana.  You know how opinionated she is..she wouldn't believe that you were a girl.  She was convinced that you were a boy too.  Your dad called a few people but sent our your picture on his cell phone to everyone.

Around this time was when our first family picture was taken.  This was the day that you were born.

(Steelers won 21 to 10.  Hines Ward was the MVP of the game.)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Too much hardwood..I really don't want some little kid slipping into the fireplace poker or worse..spraying pee all over the guest toilet.

Laurel is turning six this weekend.  While I am several shades of sentimental, I do dread the thought of a birthday party with kids and...people.

First of all.. let me tell you about the cake of the year that Laurel turned six.  Ching said that he would go to a cake place to get Laurel a small cake with a few flowers.  He ordered a cake that he and Laurel picked.  Before he told me about the actual cost, he told me that just for five dollars more, instead of a Hello Kitty just on the surface of the cake, you get a small cake shaped into a kitty on top of the cake.  First of was supposed to be flowers, just flowers, not a kitty.  A kitty that I hate and think that has a mixed message.  (I am not getting into that)  But this character that girls like doesn't have a freakin' mouth?  Really??   So messed up..perhaps they should take lessons for those that had a mouth against Susan G Komen..just saying...

Selfishly, I hate when Laurel's birthday is on the she could control that..(I blame Ching and his swimmers.)  It is six weeks after the major holidays..this time of year I just want a breather and like a bitch, I don't want Laurel's turn into the new year at this point. All of the holiday boxes have just been put away and Amex..all paid. (Bad mother..bad mother!!!)

I will complain about the cost because any parent knows the pain.  Cake (if you are Ching Wang, it will range from $70 to $180..awesome), goody bags full of I-party crap, food, drink (not even the good drinks) and venue.  I feel ravaged just thinking about it.

I hate the whole social scene.  Several kids are all right but it's not the's the parents.  Some bug the piss out of me and I just want them to leave--usually these are the ones that stay the longest and bring a sibling that wasn't accounted for and will suck up another goody bag, food and two juice boxes. They will try to help but I want them to leave their kids and just go.  I will drop your kids off..bathed and everything.  I will make small talk with some and then there are those parents that I really like but I don't want to be a freakin' weirdo wanting to be their new best friend.  I want to share them to share a pizza with the Wangs on Friday with the kids..but they ask first.  God that is so messed up.

Never have I had several kids in casa Wang for a party (I don't know the word house in Chinese--I know house or casa..that's it). Too much hardwood..I really don't want some little kid slipping into the fireplace poker or worse..spraying pee all over the guest toilet.  (It's more the latter that I think will happen.)  I just don't want strange people all over my house--I don't care if they are six or sixty three..

My dear Laurel will turn six this year with just a few friends and family.  We got a fancy cake..and God help me, while I bitch, I am not the least bit guilty.  (That is probably next year..)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sounds tawdry and dirty..but it's not (unless I get marker on myself).

And so ends the work week that started with Ching and me weaving an intricate web that would make any spider jealous.  Sounds tawdry and dirty..but it's not (unless I get marker on myself).  This event involves a dry erase marker and a dry erase calendar.  At the start of every week, Ching and I have to coordinate schedules to figure out who is dropping or picking up which child from what location.  It is the exact opposite of tawdry and dirty..dirty..dirrrrty.  (I have to stop drinking wine when I blog.)

This is a tedious chore that I never even thought of while coming to the realization that I wanted to be a mother. With just Laurel (and only one pick-up/drop off location), the board wasn't necessary.  With Rachel, there was still one location but time became tighter, and likely one Wang parent would frequent pissyland.  But the dry erase board with two different pick-ups (kids) and two different locations in Newton became an absolute must.  I am assuming other parents have to do this too.  Just by the swarming from one location to another with that panicked look of "holy crap, I have ten minutes to get to another location," I can tell other families have a dry erase board too.  The caution that you have while getting your kids to school isn't present when you are trying to stick to the board schedule and get home.  There is no serenity and if I have to play chicken with some loon in West Newton (entry 12/21) on!  I am going home to make dinner, try to convince Laurel to eat some meat and dodge Rachel's empty food freakin' exciting is that?

One little change could potentially throw off the whole schedule..a meeting that popped up, the sitter that is sick, or bad traffic.  All like a strong ass wind that just blows the web right over.  And there is very little room for spontaneity.  I very rarely go out after work because I need at least a week to plan.  (Jesus, I sound fun.)

The board is good back the past Ching will sometimes say that "you never said that" or he claims he didn't hear me.  But the board is there as my friend because we are both there to fill it therefore it's my back-up when Ching tries to pull that shit.  (With some entries on my blog, there are times when I believe I have convinced a childless, unmarried person to stay that way.  Right now is one of those moments.)

I don't know what will be more strange--the day that we started with the schedule board or the day when it will become second nature.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Also I don't want them to see bad habits of the Wangs.

Oh, the guilt..there is one day every month when I feel very very guilty.  We have our house professionally cleaned every month.  On the one hand, Ching and I feel that our time is more valuable spent with our girls than scrubbing the toilet.  But on the other hand, why can't I make time to do this?  My mom cleaned the entire house when I was growing up.

To assuage the guilt, I do pick up a lot of stuff prior to them showing up.  Ching doesn't understand this cleaning prior to someone else cleaning.  But if we are paying for an hourly service, I want them to clean not pick up Laurel's My Little Pony collection.

Also I don't want them to see bad habits of the Wangs.  Typically, during the week, the girls will get dressed (in the morning) or get into their pj's in the family room.  Over the course of the week there is this little pile of dirty clothes that grows in the corner..undies, shirts with marker stains and Rachel's clothes with some sort of applesauce crust.  Why I let the mound grow during the week, I have no idea.  If I do pick up these clothes, I don't even bring them to the laundry room in the basement--I just open the door and toss them down the stairs.  I also have a terrible habit of soda I always have a few empty cans of Dr. Pepper sitting on my nightstand or random places. Don't want them to see that either.  Toys are every where and it just points a finger at our overindulgence so those are picked up too.  And I won't even start on the random crunchy snack that has been crushed in the carpet. (I cannot wait for the day when I can stop buying Cheerios)

If they start putting away things, I don't want them to see how disorganized I am.  The fact that I have my aluminum foil/wraps jammed into the same drawer as random pieces of gum and our take out menus is something that I just don't want to share.  There are times when I feel that they are disgusted by us so they "hide" things.  My sneakers are put into Ching's closet or Laurel's martial arts uniform is put in the drawer underneath her bed rather than in the closet.  It's a clever ploy..hide my shit and then have me tear my house apart the next morning trying to find said shit.

I absolutely cannot be there when they are there too.  I feel like a lazy asshole who can't clean her own house.  Also, the last time I was at the house when they were cleaning, there was kind of a language barrier and of course I adopted the loud and slow version of translation.  (Jesus, Jude...)

Every month, I convince myself that if I just organized a plan to clean a little here and there after the girls go to bed, I would be free of the guilt and $180 richer. Or perhaps Ching could...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have no idea what freakin' hornet's nest that I am about to walk into...

It is 6:40 in the morning and I go into Laurel's room to get her up for the day.  This isn't a good sign..usually she is already up.  Laurel has never been a sleeper--it's like she is afraid that she is going to miss something while she is asleep.  I have no idea what freakin' hornet's nest that I am about to walk into.

"I don't want to go to school today"
(, no, no...Laurel has no idea that I am now eating out of the palm of her hand.  We need to be ready to go at 7:30, 7:30...remain calm.)

"We are going to play that blastoff game again know, when the person who gets to the number of 100, wins? They gets to wear a crown"
(I have no idea how this game works.  But focus on the crown, get a away from the game..focus on the crown!)

"Laurel, I thought we were going to make a crown together this weekend."

"But I want to win too.  There are only three days left so only three more kids can win and I get jealous when I don't win."
(Jesus, are killing me!  I am scrambling to find favorite shirts and pants trying to entice her to a better mood, c'mon better mood!)

You know I blame those freakin' Y programs that makes sure that every kid is a winner, no scores are kept and everyone comes home with a trophy.  That is absolute and utter bullshit.  This is not realistic and the longer you avoid the winner vs. loser scenario, the harder it is to explain.  Especially since it is now 6:46..and we only have 44 minutes to go...tick, tick, tick. How do you tell your child that they are not going to win every single time without making them not want to try or feel like the perennial loser?  I don't know how to convince an almost six year old that if she is afraid of losing, she won't take risks, therefore no big payoff.

"Laurel..if I could make it so you would always win, I would because you are my best almost six year old girl.  But if I did that, winning would become boring.  Please try today.  Do your best and whatever happens, I will always think you're a winner (flashback..I think my mom said this in '78? Maybe I just saw it on a t-shirt). If you don't win, please be happy for the friend that does."

"I don't know..."

(Please let what I said make her feel better...distractions, I need a distraction.  Are there clubs today?  Today is's library day?  Where is Paul when I need him (1/12)..remain's 6:48..)

Ching comes in the room.  I have no idea if he knows the conversation that Laurel and I are currently having.  "Would you like me to give you a piggyback ride downstairs?"

(Really?  Awesome..freakin' winners all around...)