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Friday, November 30, 2012

This is fabric of the females in our family.

Tonight, Rachel looked at me with a smile, bursting off her face.  She exclaimed with glee, "I have a head!"  Recently, I complained that I couldn't understand a lot of what she was saying.  Recently, either her verbal skills have become much better or I just finally get it.  She will make these clear, simple discoveries that even turn my cynical heart into mush.  (The normal JCW would say "no shit" but as a mother, I can't help but be excited of her discovery.)  She then goes through a list of people that have heads...Mommy (yay for me), Daddy, Laurel, Nana..etc.

I then think about how many discoveries she will have over time...Honestly, I am thinking of a time that somewhat glaze over her childhood but jumps right into pre-teen.  These discoveries may or may not have the same glee:

I have small boobs:
(JCW)--Yeah, about that...boobs aren't our thing in the family.  They tend to be small.  Not a big deal (literally and figuratively), honestly this does make buying every day shirts and blouses much easier.  As for low cut prom dresses...really? This isn't an award show, you know. Unless you are a pop teen sensation that affords your mom an early retirement, no cleavage for you!

I hate math:
Yeah, how much does it, stink?  The secret is "debating" the teacher about partial credit.  Could mean the difference between a C to a B minus.

Boys are stupid:
Honestly they are not.  Only the ones that act like douche bags.

I am funny:
I know!  How awesome is it to have a good comeback?  This is fabric of the females in our family.  You have to be pretty freakin' smart to gauge a witty comeback.  Never apologize for that.

It's easy to get Daddy to buy me things...
Yeah, I have noticed that skill of you and your sister for many years.  Pretty good...Usually I have to barter a line on the spreadsheet but you girls have a gift.  Please let me know...

But, back in present day, I am very satisfied about your discovery...Yes, we all have a head.  A brain..not everyone but we will address that later.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jesus, double Stanford grad and these are your words? You must suck at Scrabble.

Dear Marissa,
When I saw that you were appointed as the head of Yahoo, I was so happy. Then learning that you were pregnant, I was beyond proud.  Finally...while I knew you are a woman of means, I truly believed that this was your chance to pave the way for all moms in the workplace.  My expectation of you was to represent us all and to explain the reality.

Since your appointment, the stock performance has been pretty freakin' good.  Up 18%.

But today, I saw that you addressed a Power Women's Lunch.  I googled a list of Fortune's Powerful...some woman, have kissed their ovary ability goodbye and some woman, like Oprah Winfrey, never parented but are owners of dogs and a struggling network... (Yeah!  Dogs are just like kids!  Freak you!)  Were there any moms of small children in the crowd?

MM...this was your time.  These weren't shareholders.  I wasn't looking for you to start crying and go into a harsh reality of post partum.  I wasn't looking for you to justify taking two weeks of maternity leave.  Girl, that was your choice.  (After, my first kid...I wanted to go back after two weeks long as I lost the weight.)  But, you didn't step up.  Really, you truly sucked.  Your description of anticipating parenting was "fun".  Your current word, of parenting, was "easy".  Jesus, double Stanford grad and these are your words?  You must suck at Scrabble.  Fun and Easy?

Ironically, I do agree with your priority...God, family, Yahoo.  When I was trying to get my newborn asleep, crying as she was crying, I prayed frequently to God for her to sleep.  I prayed to know what to do.  As I was a new mom, I thought I was prepared but really, I wasn't.  This was my family...very hard but my main responsibility.  And if I didn't know what I was doing, I usually when to Yahoo to research.

In reality you are not like most new moms.  I can't imagine the help that you must have.  Before throwing out the word may want to let the global mom know (why your perspective is easy).  Or to at least educate that snotty 24 year old that thinks that she can have it all--she has no idea the help that she needs.

Marissa, you are in such an amazing place to, not educate, but set expectations.   Did you cry with your son at 1 am because you didn't know why he was crying?  Clogged milk duct?  Pump during a conference call? Did you ever panic about not getting thank you notes out in time?

Right now, I hope you can redeem yourself.  (I don't own your stock--I could give a rip)  To me, you might as well saddled up next to Tom Cruise at a Power Dinner.  He has issues about Post Partum Depression...but then, I have issues that he may not be a man...just sayin'.

mother of two...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

As soon as that light was in my face...I was hoping for my girl, Tiny, two cells down.

I have had very little caffeinated soda in the past few days.  (Over the past couple of weeks I was consuming at least four cans daily..the first one prior to 6 in the know, just for a little kick.)  I am tired but perhaps it's because one of my kids isn't sleeping through the night.  Not Rachel...Laurel.

Laurel has kicked me out of my bed for three consecutive nights.  Apparently (I know, it's bad to doubt your own kid) but she has had bad dreams.  She wakes up and cannot go back to sleep.  (As a cynical person first, wife and mother dead reaction is whatever, learn to live with the mucousy snore of your partner.  Yeah, Laurel and Rachel may not want to look forward to" the night before becoming the wife" talk.)

Getting back to Laurel...first of all, we had to stop her from bellowing, "Mommy...Daddy!" in the middle of the night. (How come I am first now when usually I am not?)
We gave her a flashlight with the hope that, even though, she is sleeping in a lit room, she can take the light and guide herself (8 feet) to our bedroom and wake us up.  It seems like a good idea to give a child a flashlight at 8:30 in the evening...but at 2:30 in the morning, it scared the shit out of me.  To see this little kid, with a light directly in my face, whispering, "Mommy"...holy crap, you might as well throw a cold bucket of water on me and put me in a women's prison.  As soon as that light was in my face...I was hoping for my girl, Tiny, two cells down.

Why does she always come to my side?  More likely than not, I am not the cool, comforting parent.

Laurel is polite (she does get that from me)  to let me know that she is there (with that freakin' light that Ching gave her).  But with one move on my part, she jumps into our bed like a freakin' spider monkey.  If she could stay in the center of our bed, that would be fine, but she clings to me like a snake looking for warmth...then starts to snore...then starts to run in her sleep.  Laurel kicks me a couple of times in the crotch.  Yeah...that's enough for me.

Over the past couple of nights, I have left my side of the bed to the guest bed in the den.

How do I stop this?  Do I try to talk (and re-live) the dream.  Should I just say no?

Not sure...I am three days into not eating bacon daily, drinking wine or judgement is a little clouded.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ching lets me know it's on the spreadsheet...and he says it with joyous love.

After this entry, I am taking my Christmas list and logging's Cyber Monday bitches!  Last Friday was holiday shopping for people who like people.  Today is the day for people who don't...totally my day.

It takes a few weeks of prep work to be ready to shop online.  You go to your targeted site, log in, purchase...and then log out.  There is no meandering.  I know who is going to get what and where I need to find it.  Of course there is always one person that gives me the most challenge. Finding a good gift for Ching is really hard.

Ching and I do not buy ourselves a lot of things.  But if we truly need something..especially if the purchase is larger, we talk about it..spreadsheet it and then buy it.  The spreadsheet makes spontaneity hard.   We tend to ask for practical and then give practical.  I do try to mix things up.  One year, Ching just wanted to buy some new shoes.  Since I try to be creative, I got a gift certificate and wrapped up an old shoe.  When I ask for practical, Ching lets me know it's on the spreadsheet...said with joyous love.

This year I am very excited because I picked on something from a few weeks ago. The girls are giving him monogrammed cuff links, something that he has asked for.  But he mentioned something a couple of times with interest.  And when I mentioned it to a few guys at work they thought it was a great idea.  That settles it---I am getting him a leaf blower!  (Like the meatloaf in entry 11/13, leaf blower is code for nothing but leaf blower.)

I am very excited!  I feel the same excitement as I did when I bought him his first Christmas gift back in 1999.  You know the first nice gift of the relationship that needs to say, "I like you but cannot go over the threshold that gives you the clingy Taylor Swift appeal".  Then come the gifts that get a little larger (and he better freakin' know that I am the one!)  Then there are years that you do simple gestures that balanced the years when jewelry was given (When I was pregnant during the holidays, I always felt justified asking for jewelry).

So if you excuse me, I am going to finish this and log onto Home Depot to get my man, Ching Wang, a good blower.

(Yes, I know that the only time that Ching may be interested of logging on and reading my blog will probably be tonight.)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kid..I have no idea what the hell you are saying...

On a good day, I would say that I understand her 40% of the time.  During this time, she has so much pride in what she is saying and getting the right reaction from me.

But the other 60%, I absolutely have no idea what Rachel is saying.  I feel like I am talking to a non English speaking tourist thinking that their English is just fine.  I am the one with the problem.

As I would listen, typically, I would just do the polite head nod, smile warmly (as I can occasionally fake that).  This only works for so long for Rachel as she keep repeating her self, shouts and then finally, the eye roll.

Daily, her verbal skills are improving and right on track but I was spoiled with Laurel who was clear as a bell right before she turned two.  Oh course, I pushed my luck, amusing myself by asking her to say bigger and bigger words like riboflavin and literature. (Ching did it too!)  Now, our greed is biting us in the ass.  And Rachel seems to know that we are the ones who are stupid in this situation and she is taking her sweet time.

Sometimes I make up what she is saying and repeat it back to it's a game and I am going to get lucky.  I also do this while trying to convince her that my words are what she should say---"No Rachel, you said you wanted a nap, not a snack."

As I listen to her quietly talking to herself,  I start to doubt my abilities.  What if she is saying something utterly brilliant?  And her brilliance is being covered up by my blathering guesses?

Currently all I can do is try my best while listening for key words or phrases.  Everyday, I am listening for "potty", "I want a hair cut/school picture!" or "Can I make you dinner?"  Okay, with that last one, I am, again, pushing my luck.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Today I was saddened by the passing of a distant oil owning drunky drunk uncle.

When I think of my formative years, I think of the 1980's.  Today I was saddened by the passing of a distant oil owning drunky drunk uncle.  Larry Hagman was not related to me but he did contribute to my small family.

I can't remember when it started but there were so many Friday nights when my mom, sister and I would watch Dallas.  Perhaps it was the excess of the era or the cheap story line, but regardless, it was cheesy entertainment that all three of us liked.. Looking back, I am happy that we sat together in a half done family room in our basement.  Maybe there was popcorn or a Ben and Jerry's was a time that I am grateful.

When I watched Dallas, as I growing girl, I had so many questions.  Why was Pam so bland and thought cool?  Why was Charlene deemed so slutty looking (when I thought most school girls wanted to look like that)?  Why was Sue Ellen a drunk when everyone else seemed to drink the same color liquor and just as much?  And most of all, with her money, why was Miss Ellie so dowdy? Come on!  You own the ranch!

I loved the glamour of the JR wooed his secretaries during a time when they were called secretaries.  And I believe is wooing now is called sexual harassment.  Big hats, big boots on the men and big shoulder pads and big boobs for the women....all wrapped with the awesome overtone of 80's trumpeted score.

This show represented my pre teen years...I experimented with so many shoulder pads, rainbow eye shadow and lots of hairspray.  Thankfully, I never tried to make my boobs look bigger.

While the time is labeled the decade of excess, it was a pretty mild time.  There were no hair extensions, fake tans, or Botox?.  You didn't look at some one's nice house or car and question if they were in debt up to their eyes?  This time was so different from the excess of today...

Without getting detail of comparing the mild excess of the 1980's and the insanity of present day, I thank you Larry for playing an over the top character and giving me a nice moment with my family...that Phillip Caprice ending that we always looked forward to.  Trashy show but it's ironic what can bring a family together.

Rest in Peace Larry Hagman.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Jesus, if the alcohol isn't pickling my liver, the cola is just eating it away.

The irony is the fact that I presently call my recent persona just a shell of my former self.  In reality, the shell (of my former self) has a cushion around every nook and cranny.

Since hurting my ankle a few weeks ago, I stopped going to the gym which, of course, gave me permission to garnish each lunch with bacon like it were parsley. Then more wine flowed in the evening than should much so that I wouldn't consider giving blood.  My portions were both mine and the rest of the girls' dinner.  (That leftover buttery pasta always looks good!) I am starting my day with either chocolate chip muffins or bagels with two cream cheeses.  (Have you ever noticed that the individual cream cheeses are good for 1.3 of the bagel so you have to buy two?)  And don't get me started on all the soda.  Jesus, if the alcohol isn't pickling my liver, the cola is just eating it away.

Anyway, a year ago, I lost 12 pounds and felt great.  But I knew that it could be a matter of time when I could teeter to the other side and gain that 12 back.  I think I have...again, the batteries in my scale are dead and I don't want to change them.  But on Sunday, I need to buckle down.  My changes will not be about pre-purchased meal plans, points, lap bands or diet pills.  It is about the only thing that works...portion control and common sense.  Going back to my brown bag lunch and hitting the gym (my ankle is better).  God, I am going to be cranky for awhile...

I will have a new appreciation for those Facebook photos of odd dinners--grills full of meat with a note that the side of beef dinner will be accompanied with some macaroni salad (and no mention of leafy greens).  Pictures like that usually turn me off of any food for please keep them coming.

But in the meantime, I have given myself 36 hours for my "back to the slim JCW" today, I have had 3 meals...two of them had prosciutto in them.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

There are snarky thanks that cross my mind..

Every Thanksgiving I give a sincere Thank You..really.  My crusty, tired heart truly does appreciate what I have.  I am healthy...I have a healthy family that is well fed, content (for now, as Laurel hasn't reached puberty) and warm in our home. 

But being me, there are snarky thanks that cross my mind which of course I have to tell.  If I keep the snark in, it may give me a headache.

Friends--I am grateful for my friends.  I have tried harder with friendships, letting those know that I do value them.  This is new to me.  While I am in this process, I am glad that I haven't pissed any of them off yet.  Because there are a few that have know...shenanigans.  Just JCW just being..JCW.

I have excellent childcare.  Both day to day and sporadic pick up.  All caregivers know and appreciate the quirkiness of the girls.  Last week, at Rachel's school, her antics suggested that I start a blog.  I will keep that under consideration..Jesus, imagine that.  I am ahead of the curve of this one.
I am grateful that I never altered my clothes after my 12 pound weight loss.  Recently, there have been weeks of sandwiches with bacon and free flowing white wine. Not at the same time...sandwiches at work, wine while I mother...makes perfect sense. Perhaps the 12 are back but, another thanks, I really can't confirm.  You see, my scale needs batteries that I haven't had in several weeks.

I am glad that I am 40 and don't give a fig at my wardrobe.  My clothes are fine..they serve a purpose but are not trendy.  I have other things that I need to spend my time on and I am okay with that.  Recently I heard two young people talking about accessories.  The only accessory I wanted at that time was a poke my eye out.  Years ago, clothes were at the, not so much. And my wallet appreciates it.

I am grateful for my blog and knowing that other mothers may laugh.  I am also incredibly blessed for the support and encouragement. I sincerely thank you for reading.  I hope this holiday gives you laughter, good food and warmth.  (And don't be ashamed as you reach for more wine...)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Is it bad to want to kick another kid in the face?

Since last Thanksgiving, Laurel wished she had run...but doubted herself.  The Turkey Trot dash eluded her but she wanted it.  She also wanted the little shit (my word, not hers) to not make fun of the lagers.  Is it bad to want to kick another kid in the face?

Over the past year, Laurel saw last year's winner, Maggie, sporadically wear her winner's T. This was the prize..a simple T-shirt that said "I won the Turkey Trot."  So simple, but so few kids own this t-shirt.   In March, she mentioned the race...then June..and September.  She really wanted this race but was so afraid of failure (and that little shit..again, my word.)

So intrigued, she signed up this year as a 1st grader.  Her race would be 1st grade girls.  I did know that she was nervous about the race.  Laurel tends to worry about too many things in the future...MCAS testing in the 5th grade, homework and finding a job after college.  Unfortunately she gets that from me.  But she also acquired preparation, which I didn't know until this race happened.  According to Laurel, she told me that she wanted to do well so she frequently practiced the distance during her after school program.

But I didn't know this until after the race.  On the morning of the race, when I sent her to school with her cupcakes for the Divine Dessert Raffle, I wished her luck.  I hoped for the best and honestly, prayed against the worse.  Please, please, please..not a stray shoelace that causes her to trip and break something on her face.  And if she did come in last, I hoped she kicked the crap against anyone that laughed at her effort.

I got home and saw her wearing the T-shirt that she had wanted all year.  She won her race!  I wish I had been there as the obnoxious parent loudly cheering and doing odd 80's dance moves.  But I couldn't dwell on my absence..we jumped up and down like (I won the lottery and) Laurel was meeting Kei$ha.  My pride comes from the fact that this was an activity that she pushed to do herself.  This wasn't soccer or math where Ching needs to bribe her with a dollar for effort.  This was her..all, my Laurel.

I have not broken it to her that it doesn't always work out like this..but I let her bask in her win.  She wore her T today to school.  I am washing it so she can wear it to Nana's on Thanksgiving.  Honestly I would let her wear the shirt until it was a second skin.  But the victory dance on Facebook?  Not this time Laurel...but definitely the next.  (Laurel Wang, Winner-Turkey Trot, Girl-First Grade)

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's not ideal...but the sheet fits for now.

Tonight is a fine line between creative genius and crazy.  As I was changing the sheets on our bed, I realize that my life is like a fitted sheet.

God, fitted sheets are my nemesis.  First of all, I can't fold them.  I will jam the corners together and then push them in the back (of my linen closet).  Secondly, as I, making the bed,  try to stretch the sheet over our mattress corners.  I am hoping to get a tight finish without one corner popping out or, worse, tearing.

Jesus Jumped up Christ, this is my life.  I have four corners (roles) that I am always trying to cover:  Mother, Wife, Self, Employee.  If I don't hold each one equally tight, I won't have a square.  I will have kind of triangle with a some wonky, droopy corner.

There are two corners that dominate and two that lag behind.  (Ladies, you know.)  As a mother, my girls yell louder than a God damn trucker at an interstate stop.  My (outside) work yells just as loud.  Both roles are like two bitches in a cat fight.  I am a mother first but also trying to bring home the bacon.  Some nights, I stay late to work awy from them but other nights bring home the laptop, ignore it, to play with my best girls.

My sanity and my man take a distant second.  I value them both but I value the first two corners more.  I can fake it with Ching (c'mon, not literally) and show him that my mothering makes up for "alone time".  (Silently..yay!)

My sanity...I do what I can.  I depend on my few, close friends and then my besties from Eli Lilly.

It's not ideal...but the sheet fits for now.  Over time it may shrink but I will deal with that later...

(Thank you DC-T for the phrase.)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

With my own washer/dryer, regardless the amount of loads, I use the laundry as a timeline.

Every Saturday morning I gather up the laundry and start my four loads.  Every week, four loads...I can start it Friday night or Sunday night, regardless, the four are always there as a constant.

Ching has frequently suggested that we send it out to be done.  I have enough guilt having our house cleaned every few weeks and using a landscaper for our postage stamp like lawn.  I can do my own laundry.  First of all, there is a chance I won't get all our stuff back.  Secondly, I don't want a stranger touching our undies.  This may seem like an odd fear but back in the mid-nineties, I tried doing a laundry service.  (I was sick of both hauling my stuff down a block to the laundry mat and hoarding quarters.)  I stopped doing (this service) when one pick up was light a few pairs of my undies. (At this time I was single.  My undies were a lot more expensive than they are now.) There was also a muscle tank top included in my load.  This wasn't a typical guy tank--the front had a grid of bug species.  The shirt freaked me out so much that I had to toss it--it was weird and I didn't want to think about the type of guy that would wear something like that.  So after that, I went to hoarding quarters and hoping for the day that I would have my own washer/dryer.

I believe Ching's suggestion is to quell his own guilt.  He needs to get over this guilt.  Laundry is my task that I do. You don't see me sitting down at the spreadsheet, paying bills.  Just leave me alone to my routine of the laundry.

With my own washer/dryer, regardless the amount of loads, I use the laundry as a timeline.  Sounds odd but I like the smell of a good detergent as I fold Ching's t-shirts that he wears on the weekends.  These are t-shirts that he has had back when we first were married.  These T's have little holes in the back and they are so soft.  Folding your kid's clothing is like walking on a tightrope of hoping the stain got out but also appreciating their current size.  Rachel is a girl that needs short pants and roomy top.  She loves wearing the T that says she "gets her looks from her Daddy."  Laurel just is trying to be understated, comfy and cool.

But Friday night, he caught me in an off moment...maybe I was drunk.  "Jude--I have a gift for you  Well, not so much (way to sell it CCW)..Anyway, please gather up all the laundry and I will take it tomorrow to be done. And for some reason, I agreed..

He left with with the load at 1:30 on Saturday...and came back with it at 2:15, the same Saturday.  The amount of laundry couldn't guarantee a wash and fold service until Monday morning.  Ching thought it would be ready in a couple of hours.  Good God (a clear sign that he has never done the laundry)...and for some reason, I know he is looking for praise at the attempt of the gesture. I can tell as he is looking for something as he is carrying it back in...still dirty..looking defeated and then at me.

So as I take my loads downstairs to the washer/dryer, Ching faintly says he will fold them and put it away.

No he won't...and I don't think he will touch my Saturday routine again.  These clothes...well, my family is getting older...and it's mine.. Back away!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not "how do you become?" but "but how do you know?"

So last night as I am helping Laurel in the shower..she asks me the question.  First of all, I do want to tell you the mother skill that I currently have:  I have to help Laurel in the shower but I can't look at her body because she wants privacy.  I understand..I try to comply while I make sure that the shampoo is completely rinsed but see nothing else.  But I still can't help but sneak a peak to see if her tan line is gone.  It's not and it's November.  Rachel is going to be so pissed when she realizes that she won't tan (even with sunblock) like her sister. I am drying her off (and not looking), she asks me this:
"How do you know that you are pregnant?"
My mind screeches to a halt.  Not "how do you become?" but "but how do you know?"  It is freaking the shit out of me now..God forbid if I hear this ten years from now.

Where am I supposed to begin?  Menstruation..eggs..intercourse?  C'mon!  I wasn't prepared for this at 7:55 after staying at work until 7:00.  I thought this was going to happen on a nice Saturday afternoon, curled up on the couch with some hot chocolate.  I feel ambushed.  Where the hell is the BrainPop?  Another aside, BrainPop is this program that Laurel loves..little stories about all sorts of, history, literature.  Laurel loves listening to this more than me. They have even covered the drug talk.  I am hoping that I can get BrainPop to do the dirty work and explain the "blossoming into a woman" talk.

In the meantime..she is looking at me wanting to know.  Keep it simple JCW...keep it simple!  (Avoid the ovulation, avoid the sperm...)"Well Laurel, I knew I was pregnant when I peed on a stick.  It changes a certain color and then I knew I was pregnant"

"GROSS!  You PEED on a stick.  You didn't touch the stick, did you? So gross...hey is it too late to have a snack?"

And that's it.  I have bought some time..for now.  Holy Christ, when I tell her what her dad and I did to become pregnant, she is really going to be grossed out. I still am...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Christ, a half a teaspoon of baking powder can be the difference between a cow flop or a cake in your oven.

I have no one to blame but myself for this one.  What was I thinking? I know I should shut the hell up but since your here...

The raffle is called the Divine Dessert Raffle. (I absolutely won't try to sell you tickets.)  I got an e-mail from Laurel's after school director that she needed 13 more desserts raffle.  Could I donate one?  l love Laurel's after school program.  It is the hidden jewel of Laurel's elementary school.  I do nothing to volunteer so when I got this e-mail, I thought I should do something...(I probably had a couple of glasses of wine when I read the e-mail.)

But my baking skills suck.  I love to cook because of the instant gratification of beautiful taste, color and texture.  You can experiment with cooking but with baking you cannot.  The precision kills me.  Christ, a half a teaspoon of baking powder can be the difference between a cow flop or a cake in your oven.  And even if (the product) comes out right, you have to wait two hours to cool and serve.

The Raffle is part of the Turkey Trot Games.  Just an event with field day like activities and a raffle of desserts that you could serve during Newton.  There are so many sideboards or platters waiting for a dessert that won't look close to mine.  I asked the after school director for suggestions.  She suggests pies (standard), cakes, tortes (Are you kidding me? Never made one..don't know how), trifles (the only trifle I know is what Rachel made during that Friends episode when she accidentally put ground beef, peas and carrots in it) and fancy cupcakes.  Fancy cupcakes..well that solves it.

I told Laurel about our baking project and she was insistent on cupcakes..with lots of purple frosting.  Laurel doesn't realize that her purple frosting may not match the Thanksgiving decor of a traditional dinner.  Just imagine..perfect turkey, gorgeous sides and then pumpkin pie, apple pie and Laurel's purple frosted cupcakes.  Awesome.  Yeah, that raffle winner is going to be jumping for joy.

So this is my plan...I am going to make the cupcakes with Laurel..either bring them into work (there is this mail room guy that will eat anything) or up to her Nana who, of course appreciates everything Laurel.  Then I am going to haul my ass over to Whole Foods to pick up dessert that looks beautiful AND covers all that allergic shit.  Christ I didn't even think of that...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This is not code for anything. He likes meatloaf and I make lots of it.

I dreaded going home tonight...more than usual.  All day, I told myself not to think about it as I threw myself into my work.  I also ate a sandwich with bacon in it to quell the dread and then to subdue guilt of dreading going home to my girls.  I rushed home in bad traffic and rain to get them both.  I got Rachel and wrestled her into the car seat.  Right now "her thing" is to say she wants to go on the potty.  She has yet to tinkle on the pot but she keeps toying with me and stalling during the times I feel rushed the most.  I fly to get Laurel and get her right at 6:00.  At least I can say she wasn't the last kid there.

And it comes down to this moment...I am so tired.  They are so whiny, hungry but buckled in as we head home.  And I am going home to no help, partnership...I have no back-up.  Ching is in Connecticut for work.  I am alone with them.

I realize that if I did this alone all the time, my kids would be so spoiled.  Tonight, I caved and went through the drive-thru at McDonalds.  (And the Big Mac is sitting in my stomach like a rock.)  I let Rachel bandage her fake wounds on her legs with about 60 band-aids.  We ate dinner in front of the t.v.  I should have given them baths tonight...thankfully, the weather is crisp therefore they are not sweaty.

I also realize how much time I usually spend in the kitchen, making and then cleaning up after dinner.  It's safe in there...nice alone time with my glass of wine while Ching is playing with the girls.  I couldn't use the kitchen as the safe haven tonight and no wine.  (C'mon JCW---it's Tuesday!)

I don't know how single parents do it.  I don't think I could.  And yes, I do tell Ching how much I appreciate him as I make him frequent meatloaves. (This is not code for anything.  He likes meatloaf and I make lots of it.)

I have to stop complaining and get to bed.  Because Ching isn't going to be here during that awesome morning routine.

(Happy Birthday Leusner!)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Every song on the radio...(sic).."he did me so wrong".

I can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article about this young woman.  I am afraid of the influence that she will have on my best 6 year old.  So this morning, I asked her:

JCW:  Laurel--do you know who Taylor Swift is?
LAW: Um, yeah...she has blond hair and when she sings she sometimes wags her hair...(Laurel precedes to do an 80's head banger thing)
JCW:  Laurel..please stop now.
LAW:  It is fun.
JCW:  Laurel, let's focus. Taylor Swift.  Cool? Not Cool?
LAW:  She has that song.."I remember when we broke up..."
JCW:  (Oh Christ and then I cut to the chase)  You know Laurel every time Taylor dates or breaks up with a boy, she writes a song about it...telling the world.
LAW:  That's really weird.
JCW:  (Laurel has not freaking idea but this is a step in the right direction.)

Taylor Swift is not a young woman that I want my girls to aspire to.  Her success seems to revolve around writing about young men..bad..and break ups.  Please, tell me she has more to write about than this subject.  Please!  Anything..bad tampon accident..constipation.  Young woman need to know that the world doesn't revolve around boys/men and relationships...there is more.

She has tried to put herself out there as a good role model.  Taylor let us know that she registered to vote right away when she turned 18.  She has volunteered to countless events that benefit so many BUT she continues to make money on her broken heart.  Every song on the radio...(sic).."he did me so wrong".

Right now, I won't address the clinging or desperation as this "role model" goes from older  This isn't about sex...feel free as long as there is responsibility and an unwanted pregnancy or disease isn't thrown into the mix.  My issue is the need that she is exuding for wanting a boyfriend.  In life, it is okay to be alone and to truly appreciate it.  Once you appreciate your solitude, your choices seem to be right in front of you.  You can't fake this...Faking your "independence" is the only faking that men seem to know.  They sniff it a mile away..faking independence is still desperation.

Just need to keep my girls away..meanwhile, my call is this..Taylor will have a bad marriage at 28 (lasting for 2 years) and then will start plastic surgery that will stress the fact that she does kind of look like a some sort of feline.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

As a mother to my Laurel and Rachel, I always think of what I need to protect them from..drugs, stupid boys, poles and now, perhaps Facebook.

As a mother to my Laurel and Rachel, I always think of what I need to protect them from..drugs, stupid boys, poles and now, perhaps Facebook.  (And this is what I need to be prepared to say to both...)

Girls, I won't lie to you...I use Facebook.  Part of me is grateful for what Facebook has given me.  I now have a handful of friends that I wasn't in touch with prior to joining Facebook.  This network is the only distribution method I have and use for my blog.  (Laurel--no need to roll your eyes at the blog.)  I like spouting my nuggets of snark and seeing people "like" it.  I also like people appreciating my family pictures.

BUT, with all the rainbows and hearts of Facebook come evils that you need to know about too.

With Facebook, you will become a lurker.  You collect "friends" to see their stuff, THEN you check out their friend list to delve even further into other people's lives, probably from your past.  These are people that you probably ended on bad terms...he didn't call after the hook-up, bitchy college friends that you pledged to say in touch with but you didn't, etc.  You don't want to re-connect, but you just want to lurk, check them out. Are they still attractive?  Married? Maybe using too much sour cream at taco night?

Okay, Facebook check in question:
Does my lurking take up more than 45 minutes a day?  Yes?  Log off!  No?  You are fine...for now.

You will discover that you are mean.  I knew I was mean prior to Facebook but it feels magnified when I see pictures and frequently say,
"God, she is unhealthy (fat)". 
"That kid takes my breath away". 
"If you have a fat bridesmaid, why did you choose that color?"  
Keep in mind, if you react this way to other people's posts...they may think the same about you.  Be prepared for that.

You need to be tolerant.  You will see posts that just go against your grain and annoy the piss out of you.  Election time is the worst, a close second is the fall.  It's hunting season in Maine and some people don't mind showing pictures of gutted deer or moose.  That is their choice...if I don't like it, I can unfriend them--and make sure that I don't look at Facebook at lunch.  I can also unfriend people that constantly post pictures of their mediocre food on a paper plate, constant song lists (like they are a DJ) or "likes" of domestic products...but I don't (unfriend) so I tell myself to shut the hell up.  (I can't wait to see a "like" for Tampax!)

You must remember that this is everyone's social network not just yours.  When you post, randomly*, someone  may find that you are posting directly against them therefore, they will post, in retaliation. Their message will be that this is everyone's social network and your post may be mean, or whatever.  But in their anger..isn't this anyone social network?  Not just their's?  General snark is allowed along with other crap? Please remember that all posts belong on Facebook.  There is a sense of grace that you need to remember.  If you post a status that someone else doesn't like, that is their right.

* not  post in a general, passive way.  If you have an issue with someone else, send them a personal message.  Come on!  Woman up...

I know you are going to become me.  There are going to be times that you want to get something off your chest (albeit, small..again, you are my daughters).  Before you unleash, there are three questions that you need to ask yourself before you post a status:
Do I sound overly sensitive?
Do I sound bat shit crazy?
Do I sound drunky drunk?
If you answer yes to any one of these questions, walk away.

Not everyone wants to be your friend...that's okay.  And again, there are going to be several that you don't want to accept.  It works both ways.

All of this comes down to having a thick skin on this seems friendly, but it is not. Rachel--you can log in tomorrow.  Laurel, perhaps we should wait.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

That's my name...until the day I die...

Recently when Rachel needed her dad's attention, she called out using his first name, not daddy.  Amused and intrigued, I decided to step in, help and asked her a couple of questions.
"Rachel, do you know Daddy's name?"
"Ching Wang!"  (Cute..and impressive, first and last name.)
"Do you know your name?"
"Rachel Wang!" (Said with such glee and not at all upset at her name.  When Laurel was learning her name, not only did she really want to be called Barbara but howled when we kept insisting her last name was Wang.  Like she knew what the other meaning could be...)
"What is your sister's name?"
"Laurel!" (Who am I kidding?  She doesn't say is like that.  Laurel's name comes out like "Whirel")
"Rachel--your sister has a last name too.  Do you know what it is?"
"Whirel!" (This is now said with such annoyance.  Like I don't know my older daughter's name.  Rachel's eyes are screaming, "Stupid, stupid woman!")
"What is my name?"  (Knowing that one more question is pushing my luck.)
"Mama!" (Now her eyes are saying. "Lady, you don't even know your name?")
"No Rachel--that is what you call me.  What is my name?"
"Mommy!" (And she turns and walks away.)

That's my name...until the day I die...

Friday, November 9, 2012

I know, the theme song to the gay Tom Cruise volleyball scene as I am trying to look sophisticated in my red bolero hat and jacket.

This morning at Rachel's daycare drop off, there was an announcement that school portraits would be available at pick up.  Yay!  But not for me..because Rachel refused to sit for her school picture. There would be no school portrait package for Rachel Wang.  She didn't cry during picture day.  Rachel simply refused and stood her ground.  Her care center tried to coax her but didn't force.  Cookies, crackers and favorite teachers couldn't bribe her.  She just would accept or like picture day.

Who the hell doesn't like picture day?

I grew up going to Sears every nine months to get their 8x10 package at 12.99.  I loved posing for the pictures and counting down the days to see the finished package.  Back then, there was no digital so the waiting period was a very long 3 weeks.  I would go back with my mom wanting to scoop up all the pictures of me.  Mom would take the pictures in the package but every now and then when we were in Sears, I hoped to see my picture on the wall of glory.  I was very disappointed.  My picture was never displayed but even at as a kid, I told myself that meant something was bigger and better than the Sears at the Bangor Mall.

School picture day was my second favorite day (after the first day of school).  Every piece of clothing was calculated to give me the best smile.  Regardless if my pose was two undies and tights always made a difference.  This thought carried me through junior high and then to the coveted senior pictures.  You remember senior pictures?  An hour of amateur modeling to some sort of bad 80's soundtrack.  My soundtrack was Top Gun...I know, the theme song to the gay Tom Cruise volleyball scene as I am trying to look sophisticated in my red bolero hat and jacket.  This is an ultimate scream of "ridic!" as I spent hundreds of dollars just to have the same poses as half of the girls in my senior class.

Rachel seems to know this facade all ready, not posing for a picture that makes her feel like a trained seal.  Laurel is different but similar with stubbornness.  She loves posing for pictures... but brushing her hair prior to the picture is another story.  This thought may make me seem like a horrible parent because when Laurel brought her pictures home, I wanted a re-take...that hair is my nemesis.  No re-take, Laurel started cutting up the wallet size with pride.  (Shut the hell up JCW.)

All I want is what I see everyday to be captured on film---my girls feeling good, strong and happy.  Perhaps it should be me taking these pictures.

But as of this afternoon, I was given a second chance with Rachel.  The first batch of school pictures had horrible resolution and some weird black line down the edge.  There is another picture day on November 27...maybe I will stay with Rachel during this photo session...and bribe her beyond abandon.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yeah, you need that like I need another glass of wine.

There are two buckets of candy currently sitting on the Wang mantel in the living room...not touched, not eaten.  I walk by it, thankful that my weaknesses are a heavy pour and dairy...but then I think about that and am not so thankful.  Why doesn't Laurel keep her candy in her room like I did, frequently, sneaking piece by piece?  By November 3rd, my candy was gone (except for the cheap crappy candy). Today is November 8th and the candy doesn't look touched.  Was Halloween just a game of acquisition?  (God, my kids are weird.)

I hate this time of year.  It is filled with crap "scary" decorations that scare no one but Laurel.  (It is very hard to pick up a couple of things in CVS with Laurel around Halloween.  I have to convince her that the pillar of death is not hanging out in aisle six.  I offer her comfort standing near I pick up tampons.)

Halloween continues to give me a lot of anxiety revolving around the costume.  As a child, it was fine.  My mom always came up with a costume until I was in the 5th grade.  After that, I took care of it myself until I was in the 7th grade, kind of knowing that I was pushing my luck going door to door.  But then college and Halloween meshed...holy cripe, I don't need pressure to think of a good costume.  The only good one I had was in 1992 when I went as Amy Fischer, Long Island Lolita.  But that was it.  I am not a woman that looks at October 31st to dress as a slutty version of something else.

Thankfully, right now, the anxiety just hovers around ordering (good costumes), at a reasonable price, and early enough to have their size.  Laurel asked for a costume that cost over $100--I think this is payback to not sewing one like my mom did for me.  With Rachel, she won't wear one.  Period.  I order..she looks at me like I am a freak, gives me an eye roll and walks away.  In some strange way, I think Rachel thinks she is being mocked.  This year, she rejected my new costume.  She said she would wear her panda costume but then took her promise back the night of.  When the actual night went down, she would only put on a pirates hat to get her candy and then would toss it after the grab.  (God, am I screwed.)

Then I get mad...way do we have so much Halloween candy?  Why did we did we go door to door, basically begging for that candy?  MY KIDS ARE BEGGING FOR CANDY! Now they are not interested and Ching is squirreling around like a rodent casually asking where Rachel's candy is kept.  Yeah, you need that like I need another glass of wine.

Every year, I offer $25 of random candy and face painting.  I haven't got a taker yet...but I certainly will when the slutty version of Halloween comes into play.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Every cranky, "educated" comment felt like it was delivered by some fatty in a dingy beater

Laurel asked me last night who I voted for...I told her that it was none of her business.  (Because her lip was quivering) I, then, followed my statement with the whole secret ballot concept.  She told me how her school had an election too, she voted and her candidate won.  Oh, for the love of Christ..of course he did.  All of her friends voted for the same candidate because he looks like a nice guy.  I am not going to lie and say my daughter is a genius.  Laurel is 6.  So far, she seems pretty smart but that's it.  She knows of the election and the hoopla but she has no idea of what the actual issues are at hand.

Perhaps I am bitter because I have never experienced an election and Facebook at the same time.  Every cranky, "educated" comment felt like it was delivered by some fatty in a dingy beater, sitting in a lawn chair in front of their garage.  It does also make me sad.  This term just felt very divided...more than I have ever felt.  So perhaps I should appreciate Laurel's

But, being me..I used this as a platform to tell her that there are certain questions you never, ever ask.

1.  Never ask about weight...unless you are a doctor (which...perhaps is a possibility.)  Slippery slope of pounds...some people are much too thin and obsessed.  Some people are not and perhaps could do more. (If you are talking to's a thyroid condition.) Just be healthy and take care of yourself.

2.  Do not ask someone how much they make..unless you are in financial services (which..please let that not be a's a job for me but it's just a job).  The number will either make you feel guilty or infuriate you.  Sometimes people will offer this info like a cheap app from Chili's.  I know it is awkward...just say "okay" and get the freak away from them.  Even if it's an attractive dude, he is trying to compensate for something else OR probably up to his neck in debt...or maybe both.

3.  Never ask how much someone has paid for an object.  When I was 10, my grandparents both a Cadillac.  This was back in the early '80's..gas guzzlers were acceptable and this freaking car was like a parade float.  I wanted to know the price.  As soon as my question left my mouth, the hairy eyeballs in my direction ran amok.  Okay...lesson learned.  There are going to be assholes that try to justify their question with "hope you don't mind me asking".  Stop it right mind that they ask.

Just want Laurel to be polite.  And also stand up for herself when any future in-laws try to pull these questions.  Because they might...mine did.