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Saturday, November 30, 2013

That's what you are eating for Thanksgiving dinner?

When I was a kid, I grew up eating that traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey, stuffing and every root vegetable boiled or mashed to the point of having no nutritional value.  If I didn't like the taste after I tried it, I either used a dollop of butter or a stream of gravy to disguise the taste.  But I ate it as did every kid back ate what was put in front of you or you didn't eat.

Today my Thanksgiving is different.  My mother is the constant host and (as one of my many thanks) has graduated from boiling and mashing every root vegetable to death.  Along with the turkey and fancy stuffing, there are brussels (much to Ching's chagrin) and salad, lightly dressed.  Potatoes are still there along with the boiled onions and squash.  So as I say yay at the spread, I look over at  the mini Wangs at the kids table and this is what I see:

Laurel has a minuscule amount of turkey with a big mound of ketchup, a mountain of cranberry sauce (I am waiting for her to slip and call it Jello) and a buttered roll (which will be the first of three.)

Rachel has a minuscule amount of turkey, her cranberry "jello" and a buttered roll.

That's what you are eating for Thanksgiving dinner?

Selfishly, I am not worried about their nutritional intake.  I am actually self conscious of my elders watching my parental ability.  These are the same elders that kept me at the dinner table eating a mound of baked beans until I was done. (Probably only four bites but as a young kid, it was a mound.)  The same ones that served me a frozen apple juice pop as the only sweet that was allowed.  Elders eating organic before it was trendy.  And now here I am letting my girls fill up on cheese and crackers prior to dinner and now at dinner, they are eating ketchup, cranberry jello and rolls.  (Another thanks--Laurel is still really tall and Rachel has powerful thighs--these girls look like they eat just fine on most days.)

I hope they realize my limitations.  I look over at Ching Wang as he is rolling his brussels around his plate like they are going to disappear.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I just need to remember this isn't just about November but everyday.

Over the past month, I have noticed daily "thankful" posts by several on Facebook.  This got me to think about what I am an thankful for in my life.  These are in no order of importance.  I am glad that I didn't join the trend of posting one thankful per day because having the list of 30 in front of me perhaps gave me a little more to be thankful for today.  I just need to remember this isn't just about November but everyday. 

I am thankful...

1.  I found my strong this year:  While I have gone to the gym in the past, this was the first year that I truly challenged myself with different activities.  Some I liked (Barre and TRX) and some, while I tried, I didn't like (Kickboxing).  Making time for the gym is not easy.  I go to the gym at lunch--this is the only dedicated hour to JCW. It is either get my ass out of my desk seat and do it or "claim" that I am busy while I eat my lunch at my desk surfing the internet for the latest gossipy crap.  Some days it is a challenge to motivate myself but every time that I do, I am glad I did.

2.  (And on that note), Lululemon clothes:  Judge if you will, but I have learned to love these overpriced workout clothes. (Yes, the owner of the company seems like a douche canoe--but I am not dating him.) They fit like a glove, no camel toe, no gaping and no chaffing.  And I look amazeballs and feel cool.  I have also found that if you hit their sale section on their website, the clothes are quite reasonable.  Especially if you factor in that they are made well and, miraculously, don't hold my beastly stink I actually have more wear out of them.

3.  The Wang Family spreadsheet:  While I treat myself with nice things every now and then, I never stray from the budget that is on the spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet isn't magic--it doesn't stalk me in a store, knocking my Amex out of my hand before I make a stupid purchase.  This is a guide for Ching and me to stay fiscally responsible for our family.  I would also like to think that my girls will notice our responsibility.

4.  Knowing the difference between your and you're:  Holy Christ, this bugs the crap out of me.  Where were people during 9th grade English class when this was taught?  "Your" means personal ownership while "you're" means you are.  So simple! 

5.  I can't take a selfie:  I can't take a self portrait with my phone to save my life.  Let me back up, I can but I end up looking like the reflection in one of those Christmas ornament balls.  Thankfully this prevents me from posting selfies..selfies of desperation on Facebook...

6.  I am sober as a judge:  Not just as I write this but for almost a year, I haven't had any of the drinky drink.  This was something that I had to do for some time and finally I have done it and work quite hard at it.  Amazingly, without drinking, my life did not stop.  I still have my funny,  I take personal pride in my appearance and I feel more content.  And I actually like Mr Ching Wang more than I thought...where the hell did that come from?

7.  Prayer (Yes, Anelle, I pray!): When I was younger, I prayed for the boy to call or a good grade on an exam.  Usually this have very meager results and I didn't really pray anymore.  But now, rather than asking, I may just give thanks to a higher power (mine looks like Bryan Cranston) for another successful day or I ask him to remind me to be kind.  And holy shit, this seems to work too.

8.  Laurel:  She is so sensitive and inclusive that I am very proud but also worried that she will easily get hurt.  She takes risks and is very smart and funny.  Her love of Katy Perry music bugs the piss out of me but she is a joy--absolute joy.

9.  Rachel:  Rachel has taught me that I am not as cold as I tend to think I am when it comes to physical affection.  This kid would "cuddle cuddle" for hours if she could.  Sometimes, in the middle of the night when she demands to "cuddle cuddle" in a low husky voice, I swear it sounds like she is saying "I am going to cut you" but I am sure it is "cuddle cuddle".

10.  Ching:  I have been with Ching for 14 years.  At the beginning, I had no idea how good he would be with the girls; how ambitious he would be to provide for his family and how supportive he would be of me.  Of course, I knew about his noxious dutch oven capabilities and his pissiness when the Hurricanes have a terrible game.  But the good outweighs the bad.

11.  Friends:  I am okay to say that I have only a few friends.  I have several acquaintances but only a small circle of friends that I can share my stuff. They are friends that I can lose touch for a little bit of time but then pick up the friendship like no time had passed. I also tend to act weird and if they asked for a hug I would hug them.

12.  Not being fearful of food:  I am glad that I am not afraid of trying food.  That limits so much when you turn your nose up to something new.  (Laurel--I am talking to you.)  As I get older, I also understand that there are better foods that I should eat.  What digested easily at 22 doesn't at 41.  And when all else fails, color, eat lots of color.

13.  Sense of Humor :  I was raised with the notion that having a good sense of humor is a form of intelligence.  And I am super smart as I chuckle to myself as Rachel laughs at Macklemore's Thriftshop.  She specifically likes the line when he is talking about walking into the club with a big...and then a chicken clucks. "Mommy why does he have a chicken?"  Yeah, JCW, just's either listen to this or Laurel talking about her latest boy crush.

14.  Eli Lilly:  Quite simply EL keeps me from rocking back in forth in the fetal position...and that would be very embarrassing if I was at work.  Thanks EL.

15.  Gift of Education:  Currently I am furiously saving for L+R's college education.  I do it willingly because I was always given the impression from my own mother that an education wasn't a burden.  As I listen to young people complain about the college loans that they are currently re-paying, I want to remind them that they were able to attend a college. 

16.  Low Maintenance Hair:  My hair is all one length, a little past my shoulders. I get it cut (and now highlighted) quarterly. I wash it twice a week and re-straighten everyday.  I spend very little time and I think it looks okay.  Yay...

17. My Mom:  I call my mom everyday when I am at work.  I like to know that she is okay--I have seen way too many of those "Help, I have fallen and can't get up" commercials.  We check in with each other on snarky things in the news or Facebook.  Currently, she is teaching me a very good lesson about health care.  If you aren't feeling well, it's up to you to nip it when it starts and prevent it from getting worse.  Rather than doing nothing, something getting worse and then expecting a doctor to perform a miracle. 

18. Newton:  I really like where the Wangs live.  Our city is considered large but we live in a part, or village that makes it small.  The schools are good and the after school program is great.  We live close enough to the city so I don't feel like I am in the boonies AND I don't spend half my life commuting to work. 

19.Working outside the home:  I will admit I work for a paycheck but I also work to show my girls the importance of work.  If I didn't work, I am not sure what I would do--I need to make the contribution to the checking account, I need the socialization and God damn it, I need also need to be around people that don't negotiate about snacks and juice boxes.

20. I am healthy:  I am healthy--it's as simple as that but I work at it constantly.

21.  Strength against the dog request:  God help me, I have not caved at the constant demand of getting a dog.  I know several families that have and love their dogs but we are not going to be one of those families.  There are too many things going on to throw a dog in the mix.  While the vote is still 3 to 1, pro dog--I am still the dominating vote.  And I am still staying strong.  Also the thought of putting a plastic bag over my hand to pick up a big steaming pile really turns my stomach.  I just got Rachel out of diapers...

22.  Regretting my tattoo:  When I was 21, I got a tattoo on my right hip.  Would I do it again...absolutely not.  I knew my body was going to be different but at 21, I couldn't see the flabbiness of my future.  The shape of the tattoo is a little off and it tends to disappear when I sit down on the toilet.  I am glad I regret it because it prevents me from doing it again.  Also I have proof that I can show the girls when they are insistent on getting one.

23.  Health of my girls:  I have had to take very few sick days with the girls.  They are healthy and happy.  This is something that I should remind myself more frequently.

24.  Sunblock and Embracing the Pale:  A few days ago, I started to highlight my hair to camouflage some stray tinsel like grays.  But as I look in the mirror, I am glad that I embraced my pale skin and came to the conclusion that I don't tan.  I started to wear sunblock on my face at 16.  Even as my hair has started to be processed, at least my face doesn't look like an old shoe.

25.  CCW is a legs and ass man:  Thank God--I can do Barre and run and my legs and ass while be toned to the hilt but I can do thousands push ups, my boobs will never get bigger...and that brings me to...

26.  Breastfeeding:  Odd but I am still grateful that I breastfed my kids--for several reasons but one that I think of frequently especially when I see famous people get this monstrous cantaloupes implanted on their chest.  Breastfeeding gave me a chance to try out boobs--I didn't like them.  I didn't like having hard time finding a nice fitted shirt.  I didn't like the weight and I certainly didn't like having to specifically lift each one up and wash underneath.  My boobs are flabby and wonky but at least they are small.

27.  Memory:  I am still blessed with an odd memory of certain long term details.  This comes in handy when I want to impress Rachel by knowing all the lyrics of the theme song to Mr Roger's Neighborhood.

28.  Breaking Bad:  I know I have praised this show a lot but it was very good.  I was raised on television.  Recently there hasn't been a lot on that has been very good like reality crap, stupid sitcoms or shows that have jumped the shark years ago.  Breaking Bad was a show that put my faith back into television.  This was a show that was creative from start to appropriate finish.  The story didn't finish with a tired out whimper but a bang.  But now my standards are higher...who is going to be my next Walter White?

29.  Facebook:  I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook.  Most days I am annoyed by posts that are in all caps.  I don't like pictures of food or selfies especially when the subject needs to brush their teeth.  There are believes that I don't agree with but with all that I need to remember that I am also connected with people that I wouldn't necessarily be in regular contact with.  Facebook also connects me with old friends--that's the love part of the relationship.

30.  This was a fast list--I am lucky I have more to say.  But I will keep it at 30.

Happy Thanksgiving!