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Thursday, March 29, 2012

I tried..again..but I am an absolute social moron with other moms..

I tried..again..but I am an absolute social moron with other moms..

Laurel's kindergarten class had a family breakfast.  Over the past few weeks, they have studied what families meant to them in either the class or at home. Pictures were taken, laminated and stories were written.  This morning, we read and celebrated them.

It was just Laurel and me at the breakfast.  Ching had a meeting (and sick..full of phelgm).  I did not bring Rachel; I brought her to her daycare first and then took Laurel to school.  Laurel's kindergarten class could be demolished by Rachel in a mere 17 seconds.  Rachel has this tough, cute, destructive property like that Kool-Aid pitcher of the early '80's.  Remember?  He would burst through any wall, screaming "Oh Yeah!"  That's Rachel.  This was Laurel's morning and I thought it best to drop Rachel off first.

I was very nervous..I even put lipstick on for Christ's sake.  There were breakfast foods and I brought a spread..butter.  While someone suggested it, I felt cheap for just bringing butter. I went to Whole Foods and bought a very good, organic, expensive butter.  I didn't eat any of the breakfast treats.  Laurel hunkered down on apple slices and pumpkin bread..this scene wasn't my gig.  I couldn't eat a thing.  I wish I was a risky trendsetter..mimosas!  While not allowed at school, I wanted to suggest it just to show "Yeah, I am cool..full of abandon!"

God, I am such a dork..this was so not my scene.  Luckily Laurel wanted to show me all these classroom projects and then hauled out her book box to read six books to me.  I was hesitant until a mom with great hair, awesome jeans and a wrap around sweater, asked me what I did.  (The dull grey wool suit with lavender button down gave it away.  Obviously I was hauling ass to get to my desk after the presentation.)  I told her I was in financial sales..then Laurel politely asked me a question..then that Mom was gone, exit stage left.  Maybe she thought I was going to sell her something.

That threw me for a loop and I was glad Laurel had her six books.  I sat with Laurel, criss-cross apple sauce, while she sat in my lap reading the six books to me.  But there was a part of me that wanted to make some friends with other moms that had children that were friends with my daughter.  Of course just certain moms..not those who were hot messes letting their pre-K siblings run, scream and disrupt the presentation.

I will try again..but not with this one mom.  This was the mom that had a daughter that I don't want in my house again. ("You can knock all you want"..March 2nd entry)  While we were escorted by our children to the art room to watch a video, we were asked to be as quiet as possible.  Testing was going on in the 1st and 4th grades..everyone was so quiet going to the room.  But as soon as we left the class after the 10 minute presentation, we all left...this mom bellowed to her 2 year old in the hallway..what an idiot.

I judge..perhaps that is why I stay quiet.  But I am hoping for another Newton mom who could judge with me..and agrees for future mimosas.

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