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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Give yourself a fist pump, JCW

Today is a milestone for me--this is my 100th entry on my blog!  I am not sure what is more disturbing--that I have talked for 100 days or that I still have a lot more to say.  Thank you for reading.

Looking back at yesterday, I feel like a big freakin' baby.  The mistake in scheduling happened and Ching and I were able to fix it and the girls went to their appointments.  While I am still a tiny bit pouty about my non-Jude day, I must focus on the positive small as it may seem.

1.  Today Ching did drop off for both girls..and you know how avoiding the hustle of drop off always puts a skip in my step like a new boyfriend.
2.  In regards to making the appointment coordination work, Ching took the girls to the appointments, stayed through out and then I met him at the doctor's office to take them back to school while he rushed home to lead a conference call.  I drove from South Boston to Newton Center with sheer the wind and I walked into the doctor's office just as Ching was walking out.  Perfect timing..(Give yourself a fist pump, JCW).
3. I didn't want to make my lunch this morning and I knew I would have to be strong in the cafeteria.  And I sandwich was sans the meat candy known as bacon.
4.  There was absolutely no one in the 3 lanes to my left when I realized I had to cross those lanes to get from right to left on the Pike..(Yeah, who got the best of you, Lady Garmin?)
5.  While I attended an open house for a camp we are considering for Laurel, I did marvel in the fact that it seemed nicer than most vacations that I went to in my early 20's.  But what made me giggle was the woman giving the tour--Yeah, lady, I heard you was a tiny squeaker, but I heard it.

I will have another Jude day (probably in July) but my girls are healthy, Ching and I can make each other laugh and that huge pimple bringing me back to 1987?  It is practically non-existent.

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