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Sunday, January 29, 2012

This Guy is Such a Weirdo..but Holy Crap This is Blog Gold...

So the Sunday routine was changed a bit.  Ching thought that I should drop the girls off to their Sunday morning activities.  (You know, trying to spend more time with Rachel)  Luckily both activities are in the same building in another part of Newton.

We leave promptly at 9:30 and I start getting peppered with questions by Laurel--"Why are you taking us?  Are we going out to lunch too?  And why do you need that woman's voice to tell you where to go?  You know, Daddy doesn't need that."  (This is going to freakin' awesome.)

So I first drop Laurel off for her 10:00 class at the Russian School of Mathematics.  Again, we send Laurel to this class because she has specifically told both Ching and me that she really enjoys math.  But when I show her to her class, there were students of all ages in different classes..focused..ready to go Ivy.  Then when she sits down at her desk, I see the teacher.  I immediately look at Laurel and whisper, "Are you scared?"  Laurel gives me this look like I just farted in front of her friends.  I take that as a no.  The teacher doesn't look mean but, again, math was never my strong suit.  Apparently Laurel has the Ching Wang math gene.  My armpits get that prickly feeling of anxiety and I just hightail it out of there and go to Rachel's activity.

Rachel is in a music and movement class with other toddlers.  This is her second class--Ching brought her last week.  Good God, I feel set up. The teacher is beyond bohemian.  There was definitely Peter, Paul and Mary playing in the background when he was conceived.  Yeah, he is a dude.  He is trying to convince us to always use a sing song voice when talking to your child--even at home.  I am trying to figure out how I am going to sing to Rachel as I am wrestling with her during our morning car seat activity.  The songs weren't ones that I knew (Wheels on the Bus, Old McDonald).  They all had this weird Kumbaya vibe.  Rachel is giving me a look like "Hey Lady, when do we get to clap?"

I know that I am Judgy McJudgerson so I look around to gauge other reactions.  Some have a look of "this was $180?"; some just have a glazed look of "I need more coffee before this shit."  There was one guy who was into it.  He looked like the instructor, probably a relative.  I know that some of us are thinking to ourselves; trying to figure out how to get out of this next Sunday..headache, constipation, anything.

We are all kind of singing and sweeping around this hardwood floor sans shoes.  This had to be the morning of my non matching socks. Rachel, while still a touch skeptical, does get into it.  Then instruments are girl will sweep the leg of any kid to get to the maracas.

The time couldn't go by fast enough.  My mind is swimming..this guy is such a weirdo..but holy crap this is blog gold.

When we get home Ching asks how it went.  "The teacher is kind of..weird."  "You mean Rick?" he says.  (Holy crap, I never even caught his name..well so much for faking constipation next weekend.  Ching is so going next Sunday.)

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