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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Apparently I cut the veggies for myself..

Recently it was taco night at the Wangs.  As Ching was assembling his soft tacos, he was telling me that he was trying to find a new suit at Brooks Brothers.  I am totally fine with this.  My man Ching Wang cleans up
nice..classic, dark conservative suits with a splash of color in the tie. (Yes, I am trying to be nicer in 2012).   He doesn't mess the ensemble up with an ostentatious pocket square or an obnoxious shirt color of purple, maroon or yellow.  Shirt colors stay to a strict white, blue or blue pattern.  But what starts as a pretty benign conversation..well, please judge for yourself:
CCW:  I am having a hard time with the sizing.  (There are 3 tacos all ready to go on his plate)  I need a 40 short on the jacket but the pants that come with the jacket are sized at a 34.  I would only have a 2 inch, 3
 inch maximum give going forward.
JCW:  But you wear a 34/35 pant? (His fourth taco is being assembled. His tacos are meat and cheese dominant. I try to gaze lovingly toward the greens, tomato, pepper plate but that just gets him to choose the black olives.  Apparently I cut the veggies for myself. )
CCW:  Yes, but I like give.  If I go up one size in the jacket to get 37 pants, I am spending at least $150 on tailoring for the jacket.
JCW:  Are you expecting your waist to expand 2-3 inches this year?  By the way, I put that sour cream out for you.  (There is definite sarcasm in my voice..this incident happened in 2011.)
CCW:  I just don't like to feel constricted or limited.  If I let the pants out, they can always be taken in.  I would just need to lay off the carbs. (Sarcasm be damned..he goes for the sour cream.)
JCW:  (As I think about this..I know we are both getting older, a little more flubby with a lower metabolism but holy crap!  When I buy a size 6 pair of pants, I do my best to stay a size 6.  I am also watching him go for taco #5.  I try to stay as calm as possible--no hand gestures and keeping my voice calm.  He might hear my disgust and get defensive that I think he is getting fat.  But Jesus Christ, if the waist doesn't fit...)
CCW:  I think my solution is a Brooks Brother line where you match different sized pants with a jacket..I think it's called Brooksies..
JCW:  That's Garanimals!  (Okay, the low voice/no hand gesture pledge isn't working)  It sounds like you and Rachel are going to match a lion on your top with the lion on your pants. (Later we found out that the line is called Brooks Brothers Essentials..sounds more sophisticated than Brooksies.)
CCW:  (He is silent..he takes his 5 tacos and goes into the family room..)
JCW:  Hey, let me get you a Diet Coke with that...

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