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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ching and I grease the wheels of parenthood...

Ching and I grease the wheels of parenthood--we bribe the girls. I am not proud of this but I will fess up.  Most of the time, I will do this to be more efficient or save time.  When Rachel turns into a 23 pound mini-rottweiler and won't go into her car seat, I will offer her a small package of Lorna Doones. (I don't feel guilty giving her these in the morning because to me they are not real cookies. There is no chocolate component.)

Sometimes I am lazy and just want to avoid conflict. I tend to be an instant gratification briber, trying to get from point A to point B.  The situation usually plays out like this...something isn't working..negotiate, negotiate..plead (come on JCW, stand your ground) and then I cave..okay will gum help?  Usually this happens when the girls are tired, I am tired or I am in a rush.

But, I know that I have to be careful.  Sometimes a bribe will set a trend.  Four years ago, I bought a box of fruit snacks.  If Laurel had a good day, she would get a small package to eat on the way home.  At two, a good day was defined when she didn't hit or bite another kid.  Two hundred and eight boxes later, this trend of a fruity Disney gummies still ends her school day.

The majority of the time Ching will use the bribe over a long time frame such as trying to get Laurel to show effort and focus.  Recently, at Laurel's last soccer game, I overheard Ching telling Laurel to "focus and remember, Happy Napper."  Apparently after a successful soccer season, she was going to receive a ghetto version of a Pillow Pet.

With bribes, I have to be aware of potential scenarios and not appear weak.  My cards have to be kept close to my chest.  After a few years, I can sense when a bribe is going to be used.  Frequently, when Ching takes Laurel to the playground, I will bet money that she is eating a donut or something when she come back through the door.  Full of guilt, he looks at me and says that he needed to get her to leave.

One morning I did try to get Laurel to pre-school with some money.  I absolutely cannot start that trend.  By the time she is in high school, I would have to palm her $20's to get out of bed.  While I won't give in with money, you will probably find me carrying around a packet of fruit snacks and a packet of Lorna Doones for the rest of my life.

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