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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Clean Undies Just Like My Mom Taught Me

This was not the way I wanted to start 2012--this morning I was rear-ended on the Pike.  Whomever designed this roadway was a freakin' idiot--it is a major highway but parts are only three lanes wide. Merging traffic crawls in the morning.  Also there are miles that pass without a breakdown lane. I was in the right-hand lane and all of sudden that right-hand lane was now my breakdown lane. Truly out of character, I started to look at the nuggets of optimism in this situation.
1.  I am glad the weather was nice--no snow or rain this morning. That would have pissed me off and made my smoothed hair..not smooth.
2.  Thankfully the girls were not with me. While the obvious was that they were never in harm's way, Laurel would have peppered me with questions and Rachel would have given me that look of disdain and perhaps an eye roll.
3. I had a pen in my bag to take down the information.  How much of an asshole would I had been if I had to borrow the other driver's pen?
4.  I didn't cry.  I tend to cry when I am startled or frustrated.  I am also an ugly crier with a rubber face and a lot of snot.  (I only had one tissue on me.)
5.  The other driver wasn't a teenager or a douche bag.  He seemed generally sincere and fessed up that it was his fault.  (He was trying to clean up coffee that he had spilled on himself.)  His 530i Sedan took a beating compared to my CRV.
6.  I had clean underwear on..even though I didn't have to go to the hospital, I had good, clean undies just like my mom taught me.
7.  I remained polite.  While I talk a big game, I was taught to be polite.  I looked him in the eye, said please and thank you (even after he smacked me in the ass...)  To be rude, would have shown a lack of intelligence.

My shiny, unfettered navy blue now dinged  But in the 12 years that I have known Ching, he has gotten in 3 accidents and this is my first one.  (CCW-3, JCW-1) You really didn't think that my joyous disposition was going to last throught this whole post, did you?

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