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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I know a woman that smells like Dove soap, granola and sunshine

Recently my friend Sue in Tacoma had a shitty day.  I told her, via email, that I wished her gallons of wine and a hug from the east coast.  I am not sure if she knew the gravity of my offer..not the gallons of wine but the hug.  I hate hugging.  I am not sure what it is..if you have read my past blogs, it's evident that I don't like to touch.

First of all, let me make clear, that my family will get hugs all day long.  My girls are my joy and I will hug them harder than anything.  I don't want to leave them in the morning. Most days I question the importance of work when I am hugging one of them.  Rachel--I know that I could hug all day long, would eventually taste like BBQ chicken..(Ching says pork but I think that could mess her up down the road)

At work, (yes I am going there), there are those men that think it's okay to shake hands with a man and then hug a woman.  Those men have wives that stay at home..I will bet money every time.  (I am not even going to go into the realm of a man who hugs then goes for the cheek kiss with the handshake. Really?) Then, since I don't want to press my body against theirs, some will think of it as a personal challenge, especially if they are leaving (the company).  I can't wait for the jackass who thinks that I am joking..they might not have kids later in life. Crap..I am a big talker..there are those smarmy ones who have gotten a hug.  I have had the satisfaction knowing that by the time they are in their late 50's, they will smell like old salami and gin and be known as the favorite uncle.  If you are a dude, good for buying you booze.  If you are a chick, you would rather help your mom in the kitchen than stay alone with them.

My personal thing with hugs is my scent.  I don't want to envelop someone in my personal smell..there I said it.  I know a woman that smells like Dove soap, granola and sunshine..that is her personal scent. I can scrub with Dove, eat granola and sit in the sun..I am not smellin' like that.  I wish I smelled like heaven.  I don't.  I think that I smell like an old wool suit, cheap shampoo and a commuter rail ride.  And I drive in!  Ironically the sunshine woman admits to hugging people all the time.. yeah I would too (my eyeroll is moving mountains)

It is just not a work's a personal thing too.  It has nothing to do with a hug that is too long or short.  To put it in perspective, take the wedding of Jude and Ching Wang...holy Christ on was bad.  All sorts of people wanting to hug me on the hottest day of the year.  I blame the day on my planning but it could have been 40 below..hugs, not my thing.  I know you are happy for me..let me just enjoy my bacon wrapped scallop and my vodka shooter.  I can't help it..that is who I am.  Mr Ching Wang gets it..Ching and I jokingly stated that we would rather high five than hug..when we said "I do".

Totally the man for me. "Hug?" (every freakin' time..)

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