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Thursday, July 12, 2012

They are taking into account your broader shoulders and pectorals (or what I call your man boobs).

Since the Aquascutum incident of 2003, Ching will always ask for my input on his clothing purchases.  In the morning, he needs no assistance while getting dressed.  He cleans up well and doesn't wear anything weird.  Stays conservative...white or blue based dress shirt, dark suit and conservative tie.  You may think this is boring but I welcome the fact that this is not another Aquascutum.  Back in the fall of 2003, Ching ventured out to buy a couple of new suits.  I asked if he wanted me to come with but he said no.  I wasn't offended until he came home with a suit bag.  While one of the suits was a standard Brooks Brothers, the other caused too much excitement...from him, not me.  This suit was from Aquascutum, a store that I never had any interest to go in and browse.  Until recently, this retailer was UK based.  I found the men's suits a little too flashy and cut a little too tightly.  As Ching pulls out the jacket (as the pants were still at the store being altered), I did my best to not show my "What the Freak?" face.  (Skip Ridic...this was serious.)  He was so pleased with himself that he got the suit on sale (and I believe still well over $1000). When I saw what he bought all I could think of was "how big were her tits?"  The suit was dark brown with a pinstripe.  Some people are prejudice about dark brown, but I am not.  It was the pinstripe---it was a pink pinstripe.  I am not joking.  This was a dark brown suit with a pale pink pinstripe.  Needless to say, this suit wasn't worn often because the tie options were very limiting.  And Holy Christ on Crutches--a terrible suit.

So through out our marriage, I am asked about many clothing choices ranging from casual to formal.  Sometimes I am glad to give my input.  But sometimes, I just want him to make his own decision on those J. Crew v- neck sweaters.

Last night, Ching was picking out a fitted athletic jacket.  While the color was, black, grey, the slippery slope was being addressed with the size.  And God is a small, medium, large type sizing.

CCW:  Not sure if I should get a medium or...
JCW:  (Large..just say it)  Or a Large?
CCW:  Jude..I always get mediums.
JCW:  How are those mediums treating you right now?  (As I eye the little 100 calorie cookie pack that he is eating)
CCW:  Whatever...Look at these chest circumference measurements.  You must know since yours is bigger than mine?
JCW:  Ching do you think that my chest circumference is larger than yours?  (Obviously he hasn't seen the shrunken dirty pillows in the light recently.)  They are taking into account the measurement of your chest all the way around.  They are taking into account your broader shoulders and pectorals (or what I call your man boobs).  I think a large would be better.

I don't know what he ordered but I have a feeling it won't fit and I may be wearing it this fall.

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