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Sunday, July 8, 2012

So while Rachel sleeps and I realize that I still have another couple of years of her fury, I hightail my ass out of there.

There is an odd changing of the guard that is happening between the Wang girls over the weekend.  I will cut to the chase--I don't like it.

While I love Rachel dearly, I also love her when she naps.  On a Saturday or Sunday, she is an absolute whirlwind---running, clanking on noisy toys and demanding something. And when she demands, she does it with such force that I can't help but move just a little faster.  (Mo' Milk!!  Meez!)   Changing her diaper, I feel like I am wrestling a small animal (that's kind of mean.) She is fearless while climbing and jumping off of things. She can play on her own, but I always make sure that I am nearby just to police the situation.  Laurel, on the other hand, just as active, but because she is older, I don't have to watch her.  Maybe she is on the computer, dancing or just playing some imaginative game.  So you would think as soon as Rachel goes down, I would get a little peace.

Oh no, not so much. Laurel is now on those clanky toys that she has no interest in while Rachel is awake.  She is now jumping on the coach and then playing pillow game.  (I hate pillow game...all of the coach cushions are thrown on the floor and then jumped on.  It's not that just the mess of the pillows annoys me, it's seeing what is under those coach cushions.)  Then the after the other.  And she can't get them herself.  Apparently there is a man that lives in the 'fridge that scares her so I need to go with her to get the snack.  This man is the ice maker in the freezer.  She doesn't believe me when I tell her there is no man in there, just some ice cubes shifting.  Granted, I don't have to wrestle Laurel to the floor but I do have to make sure she doesn't use half the roll in the bathroom.

I know it is obvious that Laurel wants the same attention that I give to Rachel because she is younger.  I get that.  So while Rachel sleeps and I realize that I still have another couple of years of her fury, I hightail my ass out of there.  I leave Laurel with Ching.  I have grocery shopping to do.

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