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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Please let her not have just watched a John Hughes marathon on Oxygen.

Usually an uneventful task...I am just watching my tab get higher and higher as the groceries are scanned one by one. (Jesus, the meat hasn't even been scanned and I am at $104?) The girl, about 17, who is bagging my purchases looks at me with suspicion.  (Oh Christ, I probably almost hit her on Walnut during my drop off routine.  She was probably just trying to get to homeroom at Newton North.)  Anyway...she starts this conversation:
She: "You look like someone famous.  But I can't remember her name."
(Oh freak me...Please let her not have just watched a John Hughes marathon on Oxygen.  Throw me a bone...give me Julianne..not Molly.)
Me:  Perhaps Julianne Moore? (I try not to sound desperate with this guess.)
She: Yeah!! Don't people tell you that all the time??
Me:  (I wish)  I have heard this but not as much as I would like.
She:  Really??  You look just like her!
(The cashier, also 17, joins the conversation.  She looks at me.  I go into confession mode.)
Me:  I don't care.  Julianne is really cool.  I will glom onto that compliment anyway I can.
Cashier girl laughs and then asks what this actress has been in for movies.
She:  She has been in a lot of stuff..9 months..The Kids are All Right...
Me:  Boogie Nights (Awesome Jude...the movie about porn.)..

Just a little look into JCW...Julianne Moore is the coolest and if I hear that I resemble her, it puts me on cloud nine.  Ironically, I have only been told when I am at my absolute natural..not make-up, hair--not really straightened.  Perhaps I should take this to heart when I think I should add more make-up.

This girl who bagged my groceries made my day.  I do tell her this.  She so needs to start waiting tables...I would have given her 25%.

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