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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Random Advice for My Best Girls, V1.

There is a time that I doubt putting my thoughts out there to the masses..(the lone 30 that read).  But then I think about my girls and snippets of advice that I want to make sure that I tell them.  I am not going any where but my thoughts are so random, I just want to make sure that I write them down...hence this entry.  I would like to call this:  Random Advice for My Best Girls, V1.  (Because there is probably more to come.)
1.  Don't wear hose if you don't have to.  Laurel--you have your dad's skin tone where you will be tan in the winter.  Rachel--my skin tone; I am sorry.  But during the summer, a close shave and good moisturizer..both of you are good.  But Laurel, if I catch you going bare-legged in the dead of winter, your legs will be covered with the most orange version of No Nonsense (in the red packet!)  And even worse, no hose with open-toed shoes! I will openly mock you. (I call it tough love.)

2. Never dry shave.  With the smallest of, don't just whip it over with the razor.  It will feel fine for a little bit, but after a while it will be sore and then you don't even want to look at it.  Just get some lotion prior to reaching for the Bic..really.

3. Always have a clean tissue in your pocket.  I have this awful issue of my nose running in the most nervous situation.  You never want to have to use your sleeve.  (It seems okay as a 4 year old but as a 34-year old?  Not so much.)

4. If you are ever in a social sit down meal situation..always with a fork!  You don't have to get a salad but never a sandwich where meat may dangle and slap you in the chin!

5. Don't chew gum!  Really?  (Or Laurel, as you would say, "Seriously?") You don't need to chomp for fresh breath..brush your teeth or pop a freakin' tic tac.
6. In any work/school environment, get to know the admin and custodial staff.  They know everything and everyone..really.

7. Sometimes your strength of the day is facing the day.  Just getting out of bed is a feat in itself.  That is okay.

8. Regardless, where you are or your age, take a "no thank you bite".  There are dishes that you may disgust but if you don't just may take away from an experience that is bigger than that one dish (with funky looking meat, sauce and some sort of vegetation.) Trust me..

9. If you have a boyfriend (or girlfriend..whatever) and after a few months, you cannot fart in front of them..let them go.  Not person is worth severe gas pains.

10. While shopping, if you are debating a purchase, regardless if it is expensive soft cheese or a pair of good shoes, put it back. A purchase is definite, not doubt at all.

Again..random but useful for my girls, Wang.

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