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Monday, July 2, 2012

I am thinking about putting them in the front yard and locking all the doors.

At 6:44 tonight, I get a text from Ching.  He is still on the pike because of an accident but he should be home soon.

I want to respond:  "You are lucky to be stuck in traffic.  Because you absolutely don't want to be around the girls right now.  Seriously, I am thinking about putting them in the front yard and locking all the doors. "  They haven't stopped whining since we got through the door for a myriad of reasons.  First Laurel banged her leg on the door. (There wasn't even a scratch and I will doubt it will bruise.) Then she was hungry...then thirsty...then hungry.  It is a cruel circle but at least I can get her to go in the other room.

Rachel is another story.  Her words and whining meld together and I can't understand what the hell she is saying.  And she won't go play in the family room.  Rachel just hangs on my leg while I am trying to get dinner.  She is a pesky little sucker that just won't let go--it's like a whiny, 25 pound tumor.  At one point, I tell her to knock it off.  She does but then whips out this pout that is quite impressive.  I have never seen her lips that pronounced--I don't think botox or an allergic reaction could do that.  Her eyes do something flinty too.  I try not to think that she just put a curse on me.

I know Ching is minutes away.  (He would never text that he is still very far--that is kind of a tease in my book.)  I am tired, as are the girls, but feel guilty that I should do more.  Well, maybe not...that feeling quickly passes.  During the last two months I told Ching not to make a big deal of Mother's Day or my birthday.  Right now I want a God damn do over...

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