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Thursday, January 31, 2013

I didn't want to ruin it and tell him that the women that he pays for really don't expect a gift, just payment.

There are two parts to tonight's entry...I didn't think that one part was good without the other.  Also it's a good lesson not to get too joyous because you may, just may, be kicked in the ass.

(This is Part I.)  Yesterday, I overheard some (men) talk about that crap holiday known as Valentine's Day.  I agree that the day is a sham but I couldn't help but be nosey and listen in---I may not have the best reading comprehension or word retrieval but I have really good hearing and listening skills.  I think in a past life, I was a spy.  Anyway, one guy got his girl a non-traditional gift that she mentioned that she would like.  One guy talked about getting candy...kind of cliche but my favorite was the loudmouth talking about how he is so ripped off by the day.  I didn't want to ruin it and tell him that the women that he pays for really don't expect a gift, just payment.

I sat that basking in the future glow of my gift from Mr. Ching Wang.  I don't believe that this was intended on being a gift but it falls on 2/15 and I am so excited.  So he might as well use it as a gift---CCW take a bow and the credit..  Ching is taking the girls to Ohio for a four day weekend to visit is aunt and uncle.  I don't have to go!  The weekend is all mine...all mine!

This has never happened since we had Rachel.  Ching took Laurel to Minnesota back in 2008.  Not only was that so long ago that I can barely remember but the lice that she got one week after she got back seemed to diminish all relaxation from JCW only time.  I have joked that I would go to rehab or jail just for some JCW time.  Yesterday, while on RadarOnline (yes, it sucks me in) I was checking this story on Jodi Arias and her jail.  That little cell didn't look bad to me.  Granted you have to poop and wipe in front of people but I would do that if it meant that I wasn't given the shake down for a snack every 20 minutes from either kid.  And don't get my started on Lindsey Lohan...all the times she could go to rehab to better herself in peace.

I have such a list of things that I would like to do.  I am giving myself time to list and plan.  I can plan not to make another box of macaroni and cheese.  I can plan not to be woken up before 8:00 on the weekend.  Once I pick up the toys on Friday, they will remain untouched until Tuesday evening.  This will be a glimpse back in time when I was single but it's better...I am smarter and have more money to spend.  I will toss "a project" over this four days to feel a little productive.  I have wanted to clean up the laundry room for some time.  Ching will be told that I did this task since he very rarely goes into this room.

I am counting down the days.  Perhaps my excitement is a little too evident to Laurel.  She was telling her sitter about the trip.  And said this....  (This is the lead in to Part II)

LAW: "Mom isn't going to Ohio with us because (wait for it..3, 2, 1) she is not a people person."

Holy shit!  How does she know this about me?  Good God...first, damage control.

JCW: "Laurel, do you remember a few months ago when we had a girls' weekend in Maine?  Daddy stayed home for some alone time.  Remember?"
LAW: "Yes."
JCW:  "I like my alone time.  I am not, not going (Jesus, she understood the double negative) because I don't like people.   I love spending time with you, Rachel and Daddy...but I am tired and this is my little vacation.  And please don't tell Ah-Ma and Ah-Gong that I am not a people person.  This may hurt their feelings."

What the freak else does she know--my weakness for adult beverages?  That I squirrel cash in my underwear drawer for JCW only purchases?  My avoidance of hugs?  But again, this is me and why should I tighten it up to avoid awkwardness.  I will just tighten up until they come back from Ohio...and then I will address it with Laurel.  I need JCW time before that...address awkward social skills with Laurel and the big bad potty with Rachel.

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