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Monday, January 28, 2013

Let me make this clear, I have never hit him with malice. Maybe a little arm punch...but that's it.

With the new year, I have really tried to improve my way of life.  Not huge resolutions that slam down a hammer that says, "no more" but more small steps and just completing the day.  (What I do tomorrow is...well, tomorrow.  I don't worry about that now.)  I have gone back to the gym, cut back on both the bacon encrusted sandwiches and booze.  It is amazing how many small "not great things" add up to an ass kicking morning full of haze.  I wanted to stop that...needed to stop that.  JCW was losing her spark.

I did noticed while my spark was burning lower that I became more tolerant of other people's short comings.  If I was behind the 8 ball, Christ, I couldn't fault anyone else that was there too.  But with a little clarity each morning, each day, I find that I am no longer behind the 8 ball.  But now I have very little tolerance for those that are...most days I want to grab the ball and hurl it at their head.

While I am on my game and quite efficient around the household Wang, I don't think this is Ching's gain.  This morning after Ching got Rachel dressed, he looked at me with a pleading puss.
CCW:  "If you take them both to school, I will take them both tomorrow."
JCW:  "But you usually do this anyway...take them both on Tuesday because I have an 8:00 meeting.  (Believe me, I would rather take Rachel than this meeting.)  Wait a freakin' minute.  Are you going back to bed?"
CCW:  (I swear he backs up a little like I am going to hit him.  Let me make this clear, I have never hit him with malice.  Maybe a little arm punch...but that's it.)  "I didn't sleep at all last night.  I just need 30 more minutes."
JCW:  "Fine... "Yeah it is fine because I am on my freakin' game!  "And I know you slept last night--the three times that I woke up to your snoring, you were in fact, asleep."

In the past, I would be fine with this because I was probably slipping in some other arena...forgetting a school form, wrinkled blouse, cranky and wanting to go back to bed too.  The slipping would make me feel guilty and there was the endless cycle of "not so great" things.

But now I am not. And I like it.  While I know Ching fully appreciates this in the evenings, I know that he probably doesn't in the morning.   Perhaps I should add tolerance as one of my small steps---just hard after a night of manly nasal snoring.

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