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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

But not today Missy, there is a new sheriff in town and I am full of clarity!

Stand firm JCW...Stand firm....

This morning, the first morning after the holiday break, was not a good one for Laurel.  Rachel was fine.  (The fact that inside Rachel's burly rough exterior contains a morning person constantly surprises the hell out of me.)  Everything was wrong with Laurel this morning...she didn't want to get up (Rachel got right up)...she didn't like her rice crispies (Rachel is into getting into a bottom cupboard and tossing a handful of pretzels in a small container)...Laurel's clothes were wrong, apparently she said her sleeve was gawonky--her word (Rachel gets dressed like a dream because it is her last step before she gets her own pretzels)...Laurel wouldn't brush her hair (Rachel doesn't really have hair to brush) and then she stood firm about not brushing her teeth and putting on her socks (Rachel, of course, acquiesced.)

Usually I feel cloudy in the morning and I think Laurel's stubbornness is more me than her.  But not today Missy, there is a new sheriff in town and I am full of clarity!  I did try to empathize--gave her a few more minutes in bed, five other choices for breakfast, helped her dress and tried to "un-gawonk" the sleeves, ignored the messy hair but by the time she wouldn't brush her teeth, I had enough.  Finally, Ching comes downstairs, raises his voice and the waterworks start.  They start at 7:40 and Rachel and I had to go.

Ching was dropping Laurel off this morning and knew I had to leave.  Later he said that they chilled for 10 minutes and everything was fine.  But I was serious about having enough so I took away all Ipad, Iphone and computer privileges tonight.

Holy shit, you would have thought she was in solitary.  (Aside, as a mother, haven't you ever want to be in solitary? I have.)
LAW:  "Mom I am so bored...what I am supposed to do?"
Laurel says this while I look at all the books, crafts and toys that she unwrapped last week.
LAW:  "I can't believe terrible."
JCW:  (Stand firm JCW)  "Well, Laurel, you were pretty terrible this morning."
LAW:  "I know, but I just am about to die of boredom."
Eventually, she busies herself just before we read books together.  You know, she is going to be really screwed when (this probably) happens again and I take away T.V. too.  Tonight, she was bored with T.V.?  Good God....

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