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Monday, January 21, 2013

Apparently, the dad must have birthed them himself.

Her name is Jackie Harbaugh...she is the mom to Jim and John.  Last night when it was apparent that the Baltimore were going to meet up with the San Francisco in the Super Bowl, I couldn't help feel terrible for her.  This would be a mother's worse nightmare.  So much joy that both of her sons were reaching the ultimate game as head coach.  But as a mother, preparation for the pending dread because in two weeks, one son would be the winner and one son would be the loser.

The few articles that I have read about this historical match up didn't even mention the mother...just the father, Jack.  (Yeah that's right, their names are Jack and Jackie.)  Apparently, the dad must have birthed them himself.  The articles read that the dad prepared them for February 3, 2013. I guess, Jackie has been in the background...making sandwiches? While it's easy to get my undies twisted over this oversight, I plowed on with my thinking process.  How does a mother prepare for this?

With two kids now, I painfully make sure that everything feels, attention, Ipad time, sugary treats, etc.  My mother still does this with my sister and me...and we're old!  Jokingly, I will occasionally say that she likes me better than Jess but I can tell that, as her eyes dart left, then right, that she is trying to calculate what she may have done to offset the balance.  Just the uneasy look, gets me to shut the hell up.  I won't mention that again for another couple of years.

While (Jackie) will probably wear this stupid half San Fran, half Baltimore jersey, I can't help but feel for her anxiety.  Cameras will be on her and as a mother, I am sure I will be able to see the questions going through her mind:  Can I not show too much joy for the team that wins?  Or am I showing too much sympathy for the heartbroken one?

She needs to get over the fact that this will not be equitable.  One son cannot have the win this year, while the other son gets the win next year.  I think that Lance has a better shot at a comeback than this match up ever happening again.  I hope she enjoys this accomplishment as much as she possibility can.  But just in case both sons look like assholes during the game, Jackie does have a daughter too.  Probably her favorite all along.

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