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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ching gets jumpy when there is no WiFi in a hotel room. Lot of fun he would be.

Putting those stupid Diary of a Wimpy Kid books aside, I wanted to teach Laurel a lesson of how much that she has and what she takes for granted.  Maybe it is the current questioning of her birthday party, guests and gifts.  I have somewhat had enough so I am trying to teach her that less is more.   We are reading the Little House on the Prairie series.

Since Laurel was very young, she likes to be read to before she goes to sleep.  Since she got the Ingalls-Wilder series for Christmas, I thought she would want to start with book 1--Little House in the Big Woods.  I really liked this book.  There wasn't a lot of struggle and everyday life was very basic.  I can't imagine the girls and me doing just wash on Mondays, butter churning on Tuesdays...all the while Ching is outside, trying to milk a cow.  I find the notion somewhat romantic...less is more, working very hard, providing basics to your family and going to bed exhausted but fulfilled.  Easy to say but I have neither camped nor signed up for one of the Amish vacations.  (Ching gets jumpy when there is no WiFi in a hotel room.  Lot of fun he would be.)

Laurel insisted that she wanted to start with The Long Winter.  Holy Crap--let's just dive deep into struggle.  Okay with me, but you better believe that I mention this book everytime she complains that the weather is too cold or that she just has to have a snack right before dinner (because she is so hungry).  While the cold and hunger were the obvious differences, I was surprised to remember other things that I could try to teach her.  Laura had very few choices about her future--she knew that she was either going to teach or farm like her Ma.  There was very little "playing"--she had to help a lot and sometimes, there was a lot of waiting if there was a blizzard.  Not much to read, no television or Ipad.  And she never talked back.

I am not sure how much sinks into Laurel's mind when we are reading.  The whole "getting water from a well" and outhouse doesn't seem to phase her yet.  I am hoping it will by book #3 or perhaps knowing that Laura's Ma didn't have to stand outside (the outhouse) in case Laura was afraid of a noise or falling in make get her to sit up and listen.

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