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Friday, April 6, 2012

What mother would choose laundry over her own children? I do--that's right, I freakin' do!

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Today was prime example of why I cannot stay at home all day with my girls.  And I just had the easy one today--Laurel--the one mystified that I "didn't know" about the song that has my name in it (Nope, Laurel, never heard it.) or asked if I knew the difference between Beyonce and Nicki Minaj.  (Laurel--Beyonce will be around for a long time.  Nicki Minaj is this year's Kei$ha.)

Since the market is closed on Good Friday, I had today off.  Rachel's school was open; Laurel's was not.  I was with Laurel all day while Ching was at work.

While it may seem like the typical Saturday or Sunday, it is not.  During the weekend, Ching will take the girls out to lessons and lunch.  By no means am I all alone, gorging myself with donuts.  I am picking up the house, doing the 5 loads of laundry and going grocery shopping.  While the tasks are menial, I do them in silence.  (For the love of God, what mother would choose laundry over her own children?  I do--that's right (standing taller) I freakin' do!)

In between going into work and some errands, I promised to take her to lunch.  I offer Jerry Remy's (on the water) or Sal's Pizza--holy Christ, she wants McDonald's again.  I get my child's love of McD's but she doesn't even know how good it really was and now, the institution is just a shadow of itself.  I am dating myself--I was Laurel's age in the 70's.  This was when McD's used to be only burgers and fries and that random Filet O Fish.  The oil used to make the fries was "so fatty" that you could smell a McD's before seeing the arches.  Now this place puts apple slices in the Happy Meal..give me a break.  And so we go to McDonalds--I house a Big Mac, Large Fry and a Coke  (I am no hypocrite--no Diet Coke for me!)

By 1:30, I needed some quiet..and didn't have it.  Every minute there was a new question or a request for another snack..(Jesus, is your left leg hollow?) Why didn't I coordinate a playdate..stupid, stupid, stupid!  I offer to play some Uno and it gets hairy when Laurel wants to bend the rules.  When I said no, she claimed that Nana lets her do this..of course she does.  Nana likes to bend the rules too.  We stopped the game before cards were thrown.

By the time I text Ching mid afternoon to ask him when the hell he is coming home, she has rolled her eyes twice and tried to pull at "I am not (putting my sneakers on) unless I get a snack."  You want to go there?

Not my best's to you:  To the moms that work inside the home..(as I uncork a bottle of wine.)

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