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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do you think those actors drink when it's a wrap?

How long can you hear Dora in the background before you start asking yourself the following questions:
Why does Dora hang out with a monkey?  And how come her parents seem fine with that?  And I am surprised that there isn't some fox coalition that deems Swiper unsuitable because he is stereotyping foxes?

How long can you look at DJ Lance of Yo Gabba Gaba and not ask:
Dude, was your creator high or what?

Wonder Pets?
Lynnie or Linnie--totally an androgynous guinea pig?

And finally The Fresh Beat Band?
Do you think those actors drink when it's a wrap?

I have got to turn off, what I call, Nature's Babysitter more often.  I use it to entertain the girls, to create a diversion or to give me some peace.  I am totally perplexed at some mothers that say that very little television is allowed at home.  I keep my mouth shut but inside I am screaming ."LIAR!"  But maybe they are not lying..if my girls didn't know what they were missing and I could cut my losses now.  I could avoid those terrible tween shows with girls in sparkly clothes acting stupid around boys and those same boys needing a haircut.  (I swear, just a notch above reality television.)  My girls are smarter than that dreck..smarter than Calliou and the Wiggles (those guys freak the crap out of me.)

Less television would be good--I should really do less television.  It would avoid situations when someone (probably at work) randomly refers to a map..I don't have cartoon dancing in my head singing, "I'm the map, I'm the map, I am the map.." And I course I am singing to lips slightly moving.

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