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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

But here is my dirty little secret..I don't want to vacation with the Wangs.

I need a vacation.  The Wangs have one scheduled in 12 days but here is my dirty little secret..I don't want to vacation with the Wangs.

Our plans are this:  Ching, the girls and I are flying to the California.  We are staying with Ching's family in Laguna Niguel and Santa Monica.  Again (small voice), I don't want to go..This isn't a vacation.  This trip is a time away from my work (outside the home) but, God damn, I will still be working.  Let's not even go and I can return to my cube at 601 Congress. (At least at work I will get to pounce on the treadmill..on vacation, I count calories and wonder why Ching's family doesn't drink?--Hint to a flask..)

First, let's start with the packing--freak me--I hate the packing.  I don't know about you but I have to make a list of every possible thing that I may need for each is purchased or washed and then packed.  I then check Ching's avoid an adult meltdown of a lack of socks or pressed golf shirt. A few hours before we go, my stuff is realized and then packed.  My crap looks like shit..I look like a schlub with a fanny pack (without the pack) from South Dakota. (I will buy a turkey leg at Disneyland to fill the part.)

Getting to the airport and the security check--another blog.  (Ching likes to self manicure as he weaves lanes through the Mass Pike)..again more on that later.

Since we are taking our vacation around Ching's family, I will be "up".  Ching's family has always been very kind to me..or kind to the nice version of me.  The energy of just being nice will cause a headache that will last until June 16.  Ching's family has seen mild snark, they thought it was amusing..silly white girl. Perhaps I should greet them with full Hint of Attijude? Nope, I won't because this will be the only visit to the West Coast Wangs in 2012.  I just want to stay in their good graces and keep the peace.  I am a good woman..funny, smart..our girls our clean and well fed..but mother freaker', I am tired (and full of so much nutritious snark.  Better than bran!)

We have some day trips planned--Disneyland and SeaWorld. Laurel is beyond excited..  Selfishly,  I can only predict meltdowns and the food that Laurel may or may not eat (if she is eating breaded meat that day)..

I will comeback to all sorts of chores and I will be more tired.  I will be living the cliche of "I need a vacation after my vacation" because of the the laundry, grocery shopping and prepping for the school days.

But perhaps..selfishly I will miss my blog.  I can't do my blog on vacation..Please don't leave me while I am away..freakin' awesome, apparently desperate Jude of 1993 is calling. (She was a nice girl..really..)

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