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Monday, January 13, 2014

I feel like that Cookie the cook from City Slickers--"The food is hot, brown (or orange) and plenty of it."

I need to boycott making dinner.  I can fend for myself and let the rest of the Wangs become hunters and gatherers...actually they would just be gatherers of snacks, dairy, sliced apples and take out.

CCW:  "What's for dinner?"
JCW:  My shoulders drop--why does this matter?  Are you not going to eat it?  "Maybe you can wait and be surprised."
CCW:  "You know if you told me now, it would still be a me now."
JCW:  "We are having salmon, steamed carrots and quinoa."  Yes, I know--the dinner has an orange theme.  It's not very creative--but it's been a long day.  I feel like that Cookie the cook from City Slickers--"The food is hot, brown (or orange) and plenty of it."
CCW:  "We are having salmon again?"
JCW:  Jesus Christ--it's not cat food.  And we only have fish once a week. "It was the fish that was on sale this week"
CCW:  "What other fish did they have?"
JCW:  "Nothing that was on sale--this is it."  I can't justify spending 12.99 on a different fish when there is perfectly good salmon at 7.99.

Same conversation, different Wang.
JCW:  "Hey Rachel, I am making you and Laurel chicken nuggets tonight."
RJW:  "I don't like chicken nuggets"
JCW:  "These are DINOSAUR chicken nuggets and you love these."  The fact that I use a little sing song voice when I say dinosaur makes me die a little inside.
RJW:  "Okay, but I don't want the red ones."
JCW:  I have no idea what this means but I just move on to the task at hand.  Maybe I should get one of those hats that says "Cookie".

JCW:  Jesus Christ--Where are they?  Three minutes ago, they are sniffing around like rodents and now I have to lure them back into the dining room.
RJW:  "I don't want my fruit--I don't like it."
LAW:  "Can I eat her mango?"
JCW:  "Laurel can you just focus on what is on your plate?"  Maybe she is a hunter..
RJW:  "The orange has white stuff on it--can you take it off?"
JCW:  I look over at Ching and he is eating at breakneck speed--he is just trying to eat without tasting it.  He is lucky.  I could have served kale.  I can't get all of the white off of the orange to Rachel's satisfaction.  I just want to enjoy my dinner even though I will admit blandness.  

I think tomorrow night, I will just leave out cereal boxes and milk.

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