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Thursday, December 12, 2013

I thought that too but Rachel said that both she and Laurel would be big sisters.

Ah..with the holidays come that annoying sentimentality that leads to one thing...the tugging of my ovaries.  Of course, it's not me that has the pull for another child, it's the other Wangs.  Right, I pluralized it--I am being double Ching AND Rachel.  (Laurel is just staying focused with being the best kid for that elf.)  Why does this happen?  Let's get it together, people....

Today Ching held a baby girl at some sort of work holiday party.  He told me how cute she was and the mom took a picture of the cuteness.  Ching hasn't received the picture yet; He is afraid the mom got his number wrong.  He has all ready forgotten how hectic the evening is with a baby.  Like this mom's making a priority of sending this picture to Ching as she is trying to feed, bathe, settle down and get her daughter to sleep.  A picture that reminds Ching how cute a young baby can be.   But he also needs to be reminded that a baby is even cuter when they are handed back to it's mother.  I must have a heart of stone because I have never seen a baby that gives me the urge to have another.  I could be looking at the sweetest baby Jesus swaddled in baby Gucci and I would probably notice the Gucci first.

Then there is Rachel and this recent parent teacher conference incident:
YPT (Younger Preschool Teacher):  "Rachel told the class some very good news yesterday."
JCW:  I say nothing...I am skeptical.
YPT:  "She said that she is going to be a big sister."
JCW:  Oh Christ... "Did she try to switch roles--say that Laurel was the little sister and now Rachel is the big sister?"  I know the answer.  I also hate the look of glee in the teachers' eyes like they are going to get another five years of daycare/pre-school tuition for the possible baby #3.
YPT:  "I thought that too but Rachel said that both she and Laurel would be big sisters.  I then asked where the baby was.  She said the baby was in your belly."
JCW:  "Yeah...first of all, that is not happening...ever."  And I never told Laurel the baby was in my belly--so incorrect.  Laurel's favorite word was uterus when I was pregnant with Rachel.  "Secondly, Rachel has expressed that her friends are becoming big sisters.  She would like a baby too...And do you think I would make Rachel the middle child?"

If this is a ploy to get a puppy at the holidays, I am leaving...for a long time.

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